This election has been extremely...well extreme. Usually, in the final days of an election cycle, the candidates are attending rally after rally talking about their policies and talking about why the other candidate's policies won't work. However, that is not the case this time around. In the last 2 weeks, we have seen some woman or video come out talking about things Trump has said or allegedly done to women. Immediately following that, an email dump occurs where we find out that on top of all the other scandalous thing Hillary has done, there's even more. Talk of policy has gone completely out the window. Basically, the prevailing argument is that Trump is too temperamentally unfit to be president and Hillary is too corrupt. The problem is that both sides are so fearful of their opponent getting elected that they have yet to think what will happen if their candidate does get elected. Therefore, here is my predictions of what will happen if each candidate gets elected.
The day after Hillary gets elected I would say there is 70% chance that a vast majority of states will try to secede. This is not unprecedented with the latest attempt being the 2012 election. The biggest difference I see here though is that in 2012, the states that attempted secession were red states that were extremely upset with President Obama's vision for the nation. This time around, though, you have a candidate who has been plagued by scandals since the start of the election. On top of that, you will have a losing side that has been very upset with the direction of the nation for the past 8 years. To deny that tempers are high on both sides would be an understatement.
Assuming that America got past that relatively unscathed, I am going to call the Hail Mary of predictive analysis and say that Hillary actually reverts back to center left policies. See Hillary does have a vision for America, but my theory is that it is more in line with her husband's viewpoints. I also predict that she will not pursue a second term. Say what you will, Hillary is actually pretty smart. I'm sure she knows that her presidency will be plagued by attacks and possibly even impeachment from the right as well as gridlock. She also knows that right now she has her best chance to become president but everything that came out in this election cycle will come out again in the next election cycle and she will not be able to win a second term. It is because of this that she will try to push typical left minded laws that mainly only focus on the trying to help the middle class. Whether or not these will be effective is anyone's guess.
The backlash will not be nearly as bad as if Hillary wins, but it will be there. The left isn't one that will take up arms or become drastic in their actions on a nation level. However, you will see big problems in the big cities with most of the problems being large protests and demonstrations. These protests will be so large that they will actually hinder the economy of those cities for a week or two.
As for what Trump himself will do, I honestly think that he will be a place holder president. Trump does not seem like one to multitask. He is very one task at a time oriented. That being said, he will try to work on his promises one at a time and every step of the way he will meet gridlock and opposition. There is a solid chance none of his ideas will get passed. While all this happening though, his advisors, who will know way more about their departments, will be running the vast majority of those departments with minimal oversight. On top of that, congress will be pushing the laws they know they need to pass through to Trump. Basically you will see very minimal changes with the vast majority of the country not being ran by Trump.