In our futures,
Decades from now,
Or be it tomorrow..
What will be remembered?
What will be our legacy?
Will it be worth remembering?
Will it be unforgettable?
Or will its very existence be extinguished by the death of our own?
Will we have lived and given our all?
Or will we have let life leave us behind?
Both it and us unchanged?
Will we have cowered in fear?
Will will have let love pass us by?
Will we have given up hope?
What will we have done?
Or everything?
In these days,
And in the ones that follow,
How will who we are right now determine and decide who we will become?
The things we know now and the lives we live now will change. They are changing. There is no escaping it.
We are afraid.
We are uncertain.
We are angry.
Is there an answer?
I do not know.
But we will adapt.
As we always have.
But I do know that these times, too, will pass. Just as change can happen that we may disagree with, so also will there come change to counter that.
But what we must not succumb to is inaction. Sedation. We must not allow fear and change to subdue us.
This is not the end.
This is not our end.
We must not let hatred and disrespect be our tactic.
We will press forward.
But we will do so strategically.
We will share our messages.
But we will use intelligence.
We will fight.
But we will not be violent.
Not through division.
But through art, respect, and with dignity.
To fight that which we oppose, we cannot use the same vile tactics that are used against us.
It is not the end.
These days will pass, and we must endure them, however unjust and difficult they are.
What will be remembered of these days?
These times?
These moments?
What will be your legacy?
Not society's.
Ultimately, we all search for some thread of a connection to remind us that our reality is not solely our own; that we are connected to other people; that our hopes, dreams, and desires are not shrouded in disillusionment; and that our deepest thoughts do indeed matter, even when never spoken.
The way you are right now determines where you will go from this point forward.
What is your choice?
What will you remember as the ages pass?
What will be remembered of you, when memory is almost impossible to recall?
Who will you have left behind you?
Who will you have loved?
What life will you have lived?
One of purpose?
One of stasis?
Or one of velleity?
It is utterly and completely up to you.
You are in control of your reactions.
You are in control of your thoughts and actions.
You control the choices you do and don't make.
What will they be?
Will there be anything to remember?
How will you remember yourself as you are now?
Will you want to?
Or will you even remember yourself at all?
What will be remembered of these days?
That is up to you.