We all reach that point where we have no idea what to do with ourselves after we finish that last final exam of the semester. We walk around aimlessly, either wanting to run away from campus as fast as possible or wanting to just stand in the exam chair for forever. What do we do now that we are not stressing about that class, that teacher, that assignment? What are we without the worry that every grade and every decision is going to change our lives? So, here is a list of things to do after the final exam is over instead of drowning in tears and not knowing what to do with our lives.
1. Smile all the way off campus because you are done. All of the stress that you have been feeling is gone and now you just have to get home
2. Get ice cream because you deserve it and it is FINALLY warm outside
3. Talk a walk around campus to remember what you will start to miss while you are away during the summer
4. Throw away all of your notes from your least favorite class because why not
5. Think about how everything from the past semester is done and get ready for a brand new semester when and if you come back
6. Think about how glad you are that that one exam is DONE (the ONE that was extremely difficult and you secretly cried about)
7. Contemplate what you are going to do next because we all have no idea what to do without class and homework
8. Look at the Drillfield and then take your last pictures with your friends so that you can remember this semester
9. Do not think about the exam you just take because you already took it and it will not change
10. Drive home and sing/yell music the entire time because you are done with the semester!!!