The beloved comedy sitcom "Friends" first aired in September 1994, lasting 10 seasons and ending in 2004. Ten or so years later, the show is still warming our hearts and making us laugh until we cry. The show and "the couch" have withstood the test of time, becoming a classic.
Not only does the purple door at Monica's and the setting at coffee house Central Perk incite a sense of nostalgia, but the characters have really come to feel like home for the fans who own every episode on DVD. Ross, Rachel, Phoebe, Joey, Monica and Chandler have been able to inspire a few life lessons along the way. Each character has a unique set of personality traits and interesting life story that make it all the more interesting when their hobbies or circumstances clash.
7. Love Is the Most Important Thing
Joey, being the dumb one, gets himself into a lot of innocent trouble. Being the ladies man that he is, he also upsets a lot of his romantic interests, and later has to duck away or hide from them in public. But we can always still see him. Despite his shortcomings in the intelligence department, he is full of love, compassion and support for his friends, and he shows us that loyalty is what's most important. And food. Lots of food.
6. Always See the Bright Side
We all know that Chandler is emotionally unavailable and therefore turns to humor and quick wit to escape emotion. (I think a lot of us are with you there, Bing.) Chandler is easy to love because he is laid back and self-deprecates in such a way that you have to respect him. Chandler reminds us that life isn't all bad, and that sometimes you just gotta' dance your feelings out; regardless of how silly you look.
5. Always Stay Motivated
Monica can be hard to relate to because she is the ultimate neat freak. Cleaning is her M.O and if you so much as drop a crumb in front of her you'll ruin her whole week. Her organization and attention to detail make her a hard worker, however, and she teaches us the value of staying motivated and on top of things. She's the hostess with the mostest.
4. Keep it Real!
Ross is very misunderstood. Coming off as sad and judgmental, Ross is the one that keeps it real. When Phoebe thought her mother was reincarnated into a cat, he was the one who had to step up and say something. A lover of science, Ross is very learned and it comes through in his sarcasm. Without Ross we may never know how to "pivot", or how to defend your favorite sandwich in the break room.
3. Keep Looking Ahead
2. Never Stay Down (or Embarrassed)
Rachel has been pined after by Ross since the inception of the show. When we met her, she was a disheveled bride running away from the biggest mistake of her life and into the greatest part. Being a spoiled brat growing up, Rachel is used to getting her way. Being a bit of an airhead, she stumbles into precarious situations often, but always finds a way to bounce back. Her resilience to embarrassment is pretty strong, and it's admirable.
1. They're Our Best F.R.I.E.N.D.S
While they provide us with endless entertainment, we can take something away from each of these characters and how they react to certain situations. There are no better friends than them, and the franchise has given us much to smile, cry and think about over the years. Each episode is gold, and the writers and actors deserve our praise and appreciation.