What To Watch On Netflix Based On Your Zodiac Sign
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What To Watch On Netflix Based On Your Zodiac Sign

What To Watch On Netflix Based On Your Zodiac Sign

If you're like the rest of college students, sometimes the hardest question to answer is "What show should we watch next?" Well, in order to help you out, here is a list of TV show recommendations based on Zodiac signs. This list takes into account both the positive and negative personality traits of each sign in order to find the best fit.


Aries are known for being independent and go-getters, sometimes to a fault. They know what they want, and will do what they need to in order to get it. So, the best show for an Aries is "House of Cards." Frank Underwood and his wife, Claire, are on a mission to...well, to get what they want. If you want to find out more, you should watch it. The show will suck you in and make you want to keep watching more.


Tauruses are known for being dependable and loyal, but also a little self-indulgent. "Friends" is the perfect show for them because all of the characters would be relatable. Each of the characters is a true friend and the stories are always interesting. You can watch this show for hours!


Geminis are known for being two-faced, clever, and imaginative. "Bates Motel" is the best choice because of the condition of the main character, Norman Bates, and the twists and turns that the series takes. You will always think you know what's about to happen, and then the show will surprise you. This show is not for the faint of heart.


Cancers are dependable, loyal, and caring, but also have some moody, oversensitive streaks in them. The characters in "The Office" will be your best friends. They're all best friends, even if they try to pretend otherwise. This show will make you laugh and cry, and it is always easy to rewatch your favorite episodes whenever you need a pick-me-up.


Leos tend to be independent, but also love to have an audience if they can. "White Collar" and the lovable Neal Caffrey will allow you to live out your craziest dreams for money, good looks, and adventure, without having to live a life of crime yourself. Caffrey is the best at what he does and isn't afraid to let you know it.


Virgos tend to love order and can be cold and analytical. "The West Wing" will let them indulge their need for critical thinking and intelligence while allowing them to grow emotional attachments to all of the great characters. Working in the White house is not an easy task, but Virgos would gladly take on the challenge.


Libras tend to love being around other people and working in groups, even if they would rather not do any of the "work" themselves. "Parks and Recreation" will let them feel like Leslie Knope is doing all of the work, and they can relax and goof off with the rest of the characters in the Parks and Rec department. This show is silly and funny and doesn't rely on a strict storyline, so you can start watching at whichever episode you want.


Scorpios are incredibly loyal, resourceful, and passionate, but that also tends to make them jealous and obsessive. "Narcos" is the perfect show, because the characters in Pablo Escobar's drug ring all feel the same way. Though they may do some not-so-great things in order to get their way, the show will show you a more human side of the drug king and his operation, proving that there are good sides to even the most notorious people. This show will draw you in quickly and keep you glued to the edge of your seat, but make sure that you have subtitles on if you don't speak fluent Spanish.


Sagittariuses tend to be independent and very adventurous. They want to go out and explore whether or not other people will go with them. "National Geographic: Amazing Planet" will spark that sense of adventure and fill a Sagittarius will wanderlust for days. This show is always a great choice for a day when your spirit is itching to travel, but you just aren't able to get away.


Capricorns are usually very intelligent and therefore rely heavily on themselves and their own work to get things done. Dr. Brennan (aka Bones) in the show "Bones" knows exactly how you feel. She is so smart, however, that sometimes she might miss out on social cues. However, she, like Capricorns, is still a great friend to have and will be there for you. This show is also easy to watch any episode whenever you need a quick mystery fix.


Aquariuses are original and witty, as well as pretty sarcastic and rebellious, so it's only fitting that they would like "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia." The characters in this show are always good for a laugh, usually at the expense of themselves or someone else, and are always getting into trouble. It's a great show that is very unique—there's nothing else quite like it—much like each Aquarius.


Pisces are known for being dreamers and very compassionate, but also lazy and indecisive. "New Girl" is a great show, and let's face it, Jess is probably a Pisces herself. She is stuck between her fantasy world and reality, but never stops being a great friend to everyone the whole time. It's a great show that will catalyze many laughs and make you fall in love with Zooey all over again.

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