America has elected its first reality tv star with no political or military background into office as president. And I am terrified. I'm terrified for my friends who are women. I'm terrified for my friends who are racial minorities. I'm terrified for my friends who are LGBTQ. This election was monumental in more ways than one, and as a country we have failed. A man who has sexually harassed women and said disgraceful things about Mexicans, Muslims, and Black people has been elected into office, with a VP who supports electrocuting gay people until they're straight. Trump's campaign brought out more hate than I've seen in my whole lifetime. It has given power and courage to racists and sexists who were once closeted. It has told sexual predators that their behavior is excusable. Trump bragged about sexual assault and still managed to gain the votes of half of this country. Sexual assault is the most unreported crime in America, and electing officials guilty of these crimes is not going to change these statistics. We have elected a President who empowers discrimination and heinous crimes, and I am terrified to see the outcome.
Trump directly effects us because the Supreme Court has a seat to fill. For those unaware, those elected to the Supreme Court are there until they either retire or die. This is not a temporary spot. This is a spot that will effect us for many many years. The president elects the Supreme Court justices. With a man like Donald Trump making that decision, there is no telling who he could elect. This could effect an unnamable amount of bills up to be passed for years past Trump's presidency. The House and Senate are now controlled primarily by Republicans, and we are in danger of the Supreme Court being majority republican as well. I, along with many other people in this country, do not have republican views and my views will not be represented. With almost the entire White House ruled by republicans, we are in danger of losing all the progress Obama has made in the last 8 years. We are in danger of losing the right to choose, losing gay rights, passing discriminatory bills, losing foreign allies, and losing everything else Obama has worked so hard to build. America may have just turned back time 100 years. I fear for our capital and I fear for our country. Hopefully these next four years fly by so we can elect someone qualified in office to clean up Trump's inevitable mess.