I want to make this article short and to the point. I apologize for the language that I’m going to be using but it simply must be used. I'm honestly fed up with the way our political system is looking these days. As a Political Science major I am absolutely appalled by our two candidates behavior and history this election cycle. However, I have seen Donald Trump's recent comments from 2005 regarding women. If you haven't already heard them, consider yourself lucky. Basically, Mr. Trump is talking with Billy Bush of "Access Hollywood" and he makes some extremely lewd comments about trying to have sex with a married woman and his ability to kiss women and grab them inappropriately without permission. Trust me, it’s worse than you think. Here are some actual quotes from his disgusting spiel:
Trump: “You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful – I just start kissing her. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star they let you do it. You can do anything.”
Bush: “Whatever you want.”
Trump: “Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything”
Yes, those are ACTUAL quotes from a candidate for the highest office in the United States of America. Trump of course halfheartedly apologized saying he isn’t perfect and blah blah blah. But here’s the part that kills me. Donald Trump dismissed this as “Locker room talk”. WHAT? I’m an athlete and I can assure you that never in a locker room have I ever heard anyone brag about moving on women without their consent. If anyone did everyone else would surely not be okay with it. But many Americans are hopping on this wagon. I’ve heard people saying that this is just “Men being men” or saying that we all say things like this. That’s absolute bullshit.
Let me be clear. I’m a guy. Have I ever made comments about wanting to have relations with a certain woman that I found attractive? Hell yeah I have. I’m human. I’ve talked about it all. Big butts, pretty faces, and everything in between. Hell I’m sure women do the same with men if we’re being honest. But I promise you I have NEVER said anything about touching a woman sexually without her consent. I have never bragged about my ability to kiss or grab women without being given EXPLICIT permission. Because that is no longer “locker room talk”. That’s talking about sexual assault.
So Donald, you ignorant, misogynistic, misguided, idiot. Don’t you dare try and pretend like every man out there is like you. I’m sick of hearing about your blatant disregard of women’s feelings and rights. And how dare you try and pass this off as something less than sexual assault. Every woman on this earth deserves a sincere apology from you.
And ladies, please know that most of the men in America do not view you as objects. We don’t talk about grabbing or touching you inappropriately. So don’t let this man fool you. This is NOT locker room talk.
End of Rant.