Like many, I was lucky enough to have met my lifelong friends in just the first few months of college. But one of the hardest things I have had to do was say goodbye to them and pack my bags to go home for winter break. Going from seeing them four to five times a day to now waiting an entire month has me feeling all kind of emotions. This distance has made me realize how grateful I am to have the friends I do. Although four years is not that long of a time, I know that I would not want to go through the ups and downs of college with anyone else. I would be lying if I said there are only ten reasons for why I am thankful for my best friends, but here are just a few of the many:
1. They laugh harder at my jokes more than anyone else.
Whether we are laughing about what happened Friday night, a funny tweet we saw, or an inside joke we made, I always find myself laughing the hardest when I am with my best friends. I don't think I have laughed harder than I have when I am with them. It could be the stupidest thing and we won't be able to drop it for days.
2. They make dorm dance parties almost better than nights out on the town.
One of my favorite things to do this past semester is blast music in my friend's room and dance like complete idiots until our legs are sore. Even with noise complaints, dancing to Beyonce, Brittany Spears or Mariah Carey, never held us back.
3. They have seen me at my worst and still love me despite it.
We have all been there. Saturday morning isn't always the best moment for us college students. But whether it be a late school night finishing a paper or a rough weekend morning, my friends have seen every bad and ugly side of me that there is and love me despite how terrible I look and feel.
4. They always put up with my stupid comments and ideas.
I am someone generally known to say stupid things. Some joke it's because I am blonde, but either way, we laugh it off and I'm sure a few will even be mentioned at my wedding one day. They make for great inside jokes
5. They give me pep talks when I need it.
In college, you don't have your mom to hold your hand through every bump in your day. I don't know where I would be in college if it weren't for the pep-talks my friends give me. Whether it be right before an exam, a Monday morning or when I am fighting homesickness, my friends always know exactly what to say and put me in my place.
6. They are okay looking like trash with me at the dining hall on a Saturday morning.
It is already a struggle to get out of bed every morning and go to class. So rarely are my friends and I put together when we go get breakfast at the dining hall. But I gotta admit, we rock the sweats and messy hair looks pretty well. Or at least I think so.
7. They never judge my bad decisions.
Sometimes I don't always think clearly and occasionally regret a decision I make. But it is refreshing to know that my friends always overlook my mistakes and love me no matter how dumb I can be at times.
8. They are always down to make a midnight run to McDonald's or Dominos.
I am always known for getting the midnight munchies. There's nothing a hot fudge sundae and large fries can't fix after a long day with my head in books. So thankful for friends who enjoy pigging out with me.
9. They are always willing to let me cry about school to them.
If you haven't had a mental breakdown in college, then I am assuming you aren't human. Because it is true that they are more common than you might think. And every time I need a good cry over a bad grade or stubborn professor, my friends always get an ear full.
10. They became the sisters I had always wanted.
Growing up with a little brother always made me eager to have a sister. Someone i could share clothes with, go to for advice, have dance parties with, be my bridesmaid in my wedding and remain loyal to me through the thick and thin. Whether it be the tight living quarters or the small college town that has caused us to become so close, these friends have become my sisters. People who i know will be in my life through every twist and turn.
I was told going into college that I would find my best friends. Part of me doubted it; thinking it was too good to be true. I can openly say that through the past four months, i have found those friends i have been searching for my whole life. Not to forget, I have some amazing friends back home too. But I think there is something special that comes out of a college friendship. Because not only do you go to school with these people but you live with them too. My best friends have seen every side of me there possibly is. And like i said, they love me through it all. The transition into college is not an easy one despite what it seems. However, it can be noted that through hard times like these, true friends are revealed. It was well worth the wait for me to find them, and i hope it can be for you too.