"What's true for you isn't true for me." I have heard this statement many times in various conversations over the course of my short 25 years of living. Most of the time this is stated in reference to faith and morality. There are certain situations when this statement works, for example: It is true that I wear an adult size tee-shirt. My fiancé on the other hand, is a man who is much taller and broader than I am and wears an adult medium. What is true for me obviously cannot be true for him. It is simply doesn't work. However, there are absolute truths in this world; truths that are unshakeable no matter how much they are attacked and pressed up against criticism and scrutiny. That is what makes them by definition, true. Truths that all of us fall under and define us as human beings.
I see the face of these unshakable truths every time I go to the movies. When I saw the recent Star Wars everyone was holding their breathe when Kylo Ren and Hans Solo were standing on the bridge. Everyone recognized the scene, it was all too familiar. Though our insides sank, we all clung to the hope that this time redemption would happen on that bridge. We were all upset when it didn't. This is not how the story is supposed to go! Later, we were all rooting for Ray when her light saber was locked with Kylo Ren's and we applauded when she finally tapped into the force beyond herself for strength in victory over the darkness pressing against her. People from all different beliefs, races and financial statuses came together in unity over a story. Why? Why are we so upset when another shooting kills our own? Why are we disturbed when death breaks down our doors? Because something inside is mourning for how things were supposed to be. There is an absolute, an unshakeable truth that is embedded into our humanity that we all unite under. As Tolkien said, "We have eternity written on our hearts."
To think that we, finite beings, can decide what is true based on our opinions is dangerous. The truth has already been woven into the fabric of the universe and humanity is the most beautiful and vibrant thread. However, we cannot unravel a tapestry we did not create, let alone a tapestry we are threaded into. If we try, we only destroy ourselves and are left with our ends frayed and disconnected from the beauty of the whole. We become lost in the chaos we created. Like Ray, we have to be willing to go beyond ourselves and take a risk to find that unshakeable truth. We have to be willing to pull our eyes out of our bellies, back into our heads and look out for a change. We have to know our place as truth seekers not truth makers and be willing to take risks to find it. Sometimes, when we do, we don't like what we find even though it may be exactly what we need. In the end, the unshakeable truth will be all that remains and we will have to choose to embrace it or reject it. So, what is true for you, is true for me and true for all of us.