Life has changed tremendously since this time last year; however, one thing that hasn’t changed and will never change is how much I love and appreciate you. Even as an adult that lives an hour and a half away, you still make sure that I’m straight. You make sure I have food, money, gas, clothes.
The older I get, the more I start to see and understand the sacrifices that you have made in order for me to have everything I want and need. I have learned that your job as a Mom is harder than any 8-5 job, harder than any blue collar job, harder than any medical career. The pay is short, the hours are long. It’s a 24/7 kind of job, training is learn-as-you-go. Patience and wisdom is required from day one.
You could’ve ended your shift when I turned 18, but you didn’t. You could’ve kicked me out, but you didn’t. You could’ve killed me and my friends for our stupidity, but you didn’t. I am so appreciative of not only the things you did, but the things you didn’t do.
You didn’t give up on me.
Life hasn’t always been the best for you. Sometimes it seems like you always get dealt a bad hand, but I hope one day I can make your life as enjoyable as you have for me. You deserve so much, and I could never repay you, but I surely can try.
If I turn out to be half the person, half the friend, and most importantly, half the mom that you are, I think I’ll be just fine. Being a mom is a lifetime job, and nobody does it better than you.
Happy Mother's Day! You are so deserving. I love you.