My Dear Friend,
I understand that you are in pain, and that I cannot possibly know exactly what that is like for you. I do not know what thoughts are spinning in your mind, or what weight is crushing your heart. But, I do know I can see your pain. I have felt pain because you are in pain. Every headache, every stomach growl, and every tear I have experienced because you are an extension of my heart. You shared yourself with me and I with you. Nothing could stop me from caring about you.
I know the capability of pain. It can ruin you. It can drown you in sorrow and drag your body into a dark abyss. But when getting washed away, you can either sink lower or fight to get to the surface. Do you want to breathe again? Do you want to feel the warmth of the sunlight touch your cheeks, and freckle your skin? Whether you do or do not, it is certainly not up to me.
I am simply the life preserver waiting above your head. I may not be able to reach down and get you, for I am only able to float the surface. But if you could extend your hand to me, we can float together. Share with me what is under the surface. Do not fret, I know you cannot sink me too.
With all of my pain, there have been lessons to learn, and I am going to share those with you. First and foremost, no one can determine your worth but you. Your future and your success in life is measured in how you think about success, not anyone else's definition. A single person cannot tell you what to want, or whom to be. So I must ask: who do you want to be? If the answer is someone other than you are now, make that change. I know it can be scary, and it will for sure be difficult, but you are not alone. May I repeat, the second lesson is that you are never alone. You have the life preserver to make you float, but you also have the rope which pulls you to shore. One friend can pull you up, but many can pull you to your future. You just have to trust in them, and let them guide you when you are lost. Thirdly, give into your feelings. Like the waves in the ocean they will toss you and turn you until you feel sick, but they do not last forever. All the pain you are in now will pass as if it were just a storm, I promise.
Everything will be ok. You will be ok. I love you.