I just graduated, from high school, back in May. I was so excited to get on with the rest of my life. Start on a new journey. I was overly confident about going to college. I thought it was going to be fun and exciting, full of new friends and new opportunities. I had all these high expectations. That was the first thing I did wrong. I got my hopes up. I hated high school, I was hoping college would be different. A fresh start. In my head I saw parties and late nights having fun with friends; not crying myself to sleep seriously thinking about dropping out because I had failed yet another paper that I spent countless hours on. In high school I breezed right by, never had to study, everything came naturally to me. I began to feel worthless and that I would never be able to continue with this whole college thing. I felt so useless that I wanted to quit. I still want to quit sometimes, but then I think about how much more difficult my life would be if I didn't have my degree. I would not be the only one to suffer. My future family would struggle. I tell myself if I work extremely hard now I won't have to work as hard the rest of my life. Put in the hours now and not later. Push through it. You can do it.
Your first semester isn't all bad. You meet a lot of new people, some of them are great, some of them are not so great. The not so great ones are there to teach you something-I firmly believe everyone is brought into your life for a reason, a lesson. The great people really are just that, GREAT. They will be in your life for a long time. The friends I've met I wouldn't trade for the world. They help you get through the bad times and are there to celebrate the good times. Your friends are, honestly, the best thing that happens to you your first semester. Especially if they are in their first semester too. They know what you are going through and y'all can help each other adjust to this scary new “adult world.” You grow with them (if you stay at a 4-year school) and together y'all become your own little family. They push you harder than you push yourself. Your friends want you to succeed.
My first semester was a reality check—not everything in life is going to come easy. If you want something you are going to have to work for it. You are going to have days when you feel like quitting, let those days motivate you to do better. Push yourself harder than you ever have. Do not give up, but don't let the stress of school bring you down. Have fun! You only have ONE first semester. Make the most of it.