Uh oh! You notice something's wrong with your HVAC system. It's not working the way it used to.
We're in the phase of winter where temperatures are unpredictable. One week, it's freezing cold. The next, it's spring-like conditions.
That said, your HVAC system has been through it all—from being on constantly to not being touched in a while.
To ensure your system will be working at optimal conditions, it depends on who you hire.
Here's what you need to know before hiring an HVAC company.
Ask for Estimates
When you call, make sure you're getting the best price. If someone offers you a low rate, they might not do such a good job.
And don't take the first offer you get. Take your time to compare estimates from different companies.
Read Their Reviews
Think of reviews like your best friend. They'll tell you if this company is worth it or not.
You want to make sure the negative reviews don't outweigh the positive ones. Too many negatives means you could end up with a similar experience.
A lot of positive reviews means they're definitely doing something right.
Check Their Experience
You want to make sure the company you're hiring as a few years under their belt. It can be a bit risky going with a new company that's just starting out.
If that's the case, make sure the technicians received a proper education.
Ask Friends and Family
See if any friends or family members in the area have worked with this company before. If they have, ask them how their experience was. They'll let you know if they'd recommend hiring them again.