I don't know about you, but I feel like I haven't even started this semester yet. It's going by so fast I keep forgetting what I've learned in my classes, and that's not good considering I've got midterms, and eventually finals. But I have nothing to worry about because I remember these x reasons why midterms aren't as stressful as we all make it out to be.
1. Your grade can still recover.
I mean, I failed my Computer Science midterm and still managed to drag my grade from the depths of hell to a C+. Try not to fail your midterm, but don't be worried if you do end up getting a bad grade. There is plenty of time to bring it up.
2. Your life goes on.
It is just a small part of your life. It's so minuscule to what you plan to do, it shouldn't even be a concern of yours. If you know the information, you know it. If not, work on it. It isn't the most important thing on your plate.
3. Still take it seriously.
Don't let a midterm stress you but don't let it mess you up either. If you have the time to study and the resources to do it there is no reason why you shouldn't pass.
4. Your professor is there for a reason, and so are the tutors. Utilize them.
You pay upwards of $18,000 for a food, housing, an education, and all the tutors and professor's time. If you aren't going to them you aren't using your money right.
5. This isn't the end.
At this point, we all know the midterm isn't as bad as the final. And between both of them are many more tests and quizzes. This is just a friendly reminder to stay on top of things, study hard, and don't let sleep deprivation rule you.
Good luck with your midterms!