Now that Halloween has passed and the holidays are quickly approaching, we are stuck with the question of what to get our parents who say they already have everything they want. If you are like me and forever grateful and blessed for the wonderful parents and family that you have, a little creativity and out-of-the-box thinking is in order. But what it comes down to is that there are certain things money can never buy, because family is not something you can put a price on.
1. A daily phone call
Whether you are in between classes, driving to work or hanging out for the afternoon, pick up the phone and give your parents a call. They may not say it, but it will make their day!
2. A handwritten letter
It's the little things in life that count, and who doesn't love going to the mailbox and seeing a handwritten letter from someone you love? Living in the 21st century, we live with constant communication humming at our fingertips, but it's amazing how special it can make you feel to know someone took a few minutes out of their day to write you a letter, even if only to say "hi" and "I love you."
3. Dinner on you
For the two people who have clothed, loved and provided for you for the past 20 years of your life, return the favor every now and then. Whether you take them out and treat them or do a home-cooked meal, food is a universal happiness and there is no one better to share that happiness with than your parents.
4. A good morning or goodnight text
Friends may come and go, boyfriends and girlfriends come and go, but your mom will always be there to love you.
5. Shadowbox
Three years ago, my older sister and I sat down together and said it is time to get creative. We came up with the idea of recreating an old photo of us with Santa. As the bold and humorous young adults that we are, we suited up in footie pajamas, and took ourselves to the mall and got our picture taken with Santa, and then turned it into a shadow box. Not only was it a great sisterly bonding moment, but also a present worth laughing and cherishing forever.
6. Coffee date
Whether you're home for a weekend, a few weeks for winter break, or a few months for summer break take an hour and go to the local coffee shop and sit down with your mom, dad or both and just catch up on life. We're now at the age where we can have real adult conversations with our parents so take advantage of that and grab a cup of coffee.
7. Family Day
While some people are more gift-oriented and getting and giving presents feels very rewarding to some, I always find going out and doing something together brings me a lot more happiness than a material present ever could. Doesn't matter what you do. From getting your nails done with mom to driving the golf cart while dad plays 18 holes to a family outing to Six Flags, take some time to spend with those who love you the most.