While I am a firm believer in letting go of expectations, there are some definite aspects in the life of a hilltopper that are universal throughout the majority of the student body.
1. Either an extreme love for our football team, or at least pretending you care...
If you attend WKU, it is a MUST that you scream "GO TOPS!" until your throat bleeds on every single game day. The only other options on game day is to hide and not be seen in anything other than red.
2. Freaking out EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. you see a white squirrel.
Whether it is a public freak out or a mental dance you make in order to not embarrass yourself on campus, seeing that occasional ( and lucky) white squirrel on campus NEVER gets old.
3. Stopping for a break on your way up the hill.
Some days (or every day) physically moving is practically impossible and walking up a steep hill is a big fat NO. Since many classes have a limited amount of absent days, this climb is necessary. Lazy days require leaving early in order to give yourself the time you need to avoid showing up to class drenched in sweat.
4. And then, getting clever with avoiding the hill.
I'm just going to own up to the fact that I sometimes take an elevator in a building at the bottom of the hill that will take me out to a walkway from the top floor... I never feel too guilty since most of my company in the elevator is doing the same thing.
5. Accumulating an alarming amount of red towels.
Go to a random meeting on campus? Here is your complimentary red towel! Joined a club? Here is a red towel with its name on it! Came to the game early? Here's a NEW red towel to wave around! Did you breathe on campus today? Congrats. Here is a red towel. You get the idea...
6. Having to explain our mascot to family and hometown friends.
It's not McDonald's Grimace's red brother. It is not a red Pac-man with a body attached. No... it is a representation of the hill that our campus sits on and he is darn cute. Step off haters of my man, Big Red.
7. Eating an unhealthy amount of Chick-Fil-A in one week
WKU speaks to the hearts of many and the stomachs of all. It is easy to see that WKU truly cares about its students based on the choice of campus restaurants. WKU, you are doing great sweetie.
8. The roundabout...
To go just about anywhere in Bowling Green from campus, the roundabout will be necessary. I'm going to do what many people in heated arguments do, yes, I am going to make up a statistic. Around 80% of Hilltoppers have experienced a near-death experience on this roundabout.
9. Eating at Cookout after midnight.
If you aren't asked to tag along to a late-night cookout run, it is probably because you don't have friends. The great thing about cookout is that everyone else in there is a stressed out college student in their pajamas. And yes, some are crying, intoxicated, rowdy or all of the above.
10. The 6 week winter break
Although most toppers will miss their home the whole time, that six week break is like a warm hug from Big Red. And when jealous people assume that our summer break is shortened, you can tell them it's three months long and watch the smirk wash off their face.
Darn, its great to be a Hilltopper!