Have you ever wondered what yoga is? Or what exactly does it do for you and your mind/body? Is it just for fitness freaks or spiritually inclined people?
We would love to help you figure out all your questions and concerns. We have a friend, Megan Adams, who is a first time yoga practitioner. She shared her common questions with us. We, Katherine Horne and Kinley Powell, thought we would answer her questions the best we could! We hope it helps you as well!
K. H. : If you feel comfortable in it, wear it! If you go out and you are self-conscious, then don't wear it because we don't want you to be self-conscious in your practice.
K. P. : Tight fitted clothes are usually better because you won't be able to trip yourself up, but if you are more comfort in loose clothing listen to yourself.
M.A. : So What Is A Yoga Class Like?
K. P. : You have to be open-minded, and willing to take a risk out of your comfort zone. Bring peace to your mind/soul/body - and accept your practice for what it was.
K. H. : It depends on the teacher. You can definitely expect to be stretched out. Sometimes, you can't just expect so you can't bring expectations. That will put a limit on your practice.
M. A. : Why Do I Feel Like This In This Pose?
K. H. : In certain poses, there will be an amount of discomfort. If your body is ever feeling actual pain, remove yourself from the pose and rest. The most important thing to remember is your breath.
K. P. : More than likely, yes it is suppose to feel like that. When you first start out, your body is opening up and becoming more aware of what you are doing. Also, remember to be aware of your breath because it is the only thing that will get you through the pose.
M. A. : How Do I Relax When My Arms Are Shaking In This Pose?
K. P. : First start out with inhaling, turn your breath and thoughts into love and send the love to the part of your body that is tense. If your arms are shaking or tense in a pose, ex: plank, then continue to breathe through the pose. If the body is uncomfortable, to the point of pain, stop and rest. Pick back up when your body says OK.
K. H. : Try and relax the muscles. Then try to think of where the shakiness is coming from. Focus on forgetting the shakiness and focusing on the breath.
M. A. : When Will I Be Able To Do That Cool Pose I Saw On Pinterest?
K. H. : Everyone has a limit to their flexibility, no matter how much they practice. For example, in bound angle some people's knees will never be able to touch the ground completely based on their positioning of the femur in the hip socket. Don't put pressure on yourself if you cannot get as deep in a pose as other people. But definitely don't be afraid to try because you never know what poses your body is capable of!
K. P : When I first started my yoga practice, I saw all the same poses thrown out by world-famous yogis. I deeply wanted to be like them, but the more I was involved in my practice, the more I realized it is not about a certain pose I can do, but what the pose does within my soul. Meaning that, if I do this pose, is it a way to release my worries, negative thoughts, and release tension within my body?
M. A. : Can I Worship The Lord While Doing Yoga?
K. P. : As a Christian we are called to keep God in the center of all things. I like to listen to christian music or read scripture throughout my classes.
K. H. : The end of man is to glorify God and enjoy him forever. So in everything I do, it should glorify him. If I choose to glorify God within my yoga practice then that is what I will do.
M. A. : What Is Your Favorite Pose?
K. H. : Full Moon is my favorite because it stretches literally every part of the body.
K. P. : A simple handstand because sometimes the feet need a break.
No matter what take your time, try your best, and always feel free to ask us anything! Much Love!!
Kin & Kat!