Exams are now over. The grades are finalized. Whether you made it out of the semester with all of your sanity intact, or stumbled out crippled and mentally exhausted, you can finally take a deep breath because finals are over and summer is officially upon you. Now that you don't have to spend hours and hours at the library obsessively crying over your grades, you might be wondering what else life has in store for you- is there really a life outside of studying?
Fortunately, there is. I know, it's shocking to think that as a young adult you can actually enjoy your life, and not have to be a slave to school year-round. It's sad when society has programmed you to believe that there is no life outside of textbooks and essays, it's sad when students do not know what to do with themselves when there isn't a test to study for. Fortunately, life is more than being in school, especially when you are as young and carefree as your twenties allow you to be.
Without the weight of school holding you down, you are free to do as many fun and adventurous activities as you want. Summer is a time to live your life to the fullest- to see the places you've always wanted to see- and to meet people who might become vital in your life. Summer is not only a time for the sun to shine, but it is also a time for you to shine- for your desires to be put in first place above all. Want to go on a spontaneous weekend trip? Do it. Want to get a tattoo? Why not? Want to spend an entire day drinking alcohol on the beach with your friends? There will never be a better time. You will never be as young as you are now. Never have the same opportunities as you have now to live your life to the fullest before school picks back up again.
Finals are over, you are free, and you should enjoy your summer. You only have a limited amount of summers left before you graduate college and dive into a career where summer vacation is no longer a thing. You only have a limited amount of summers left before you settle down and have a family where there is no vacation because your children are your full-time, year-round job.
No school, no problem.
Enjoy yourself and your youth.