Aahhh...spring break. A beautiful break in the middle of the semester, work, etc., that gives everyone a well deserved breath of fresh air. But not everyone gets to go on a fancy vacation. Just because you aren't going anywhere doesn't mean you can't have fun!
Here are a few ideas on how to make the most of your spring break:
1. Have a Spa Day
This is your precious relaxation time. Go get some cheap target face masks, cucumber slices and YouTube meditation music. You deserve it.
2. Make Your Own Beach
Drag your kiddie pool inside from the garage, find some sand, sunglasses, set up a fan to blow a nice "sea breeze" on you. Have fun with it.
3. Pet Sit
If your friend is gong somewhere, offer to watch their pets. Pets are way cooler than vacations. P.S...will someone please watch my rats?
4. Master a Really Random Skill
Blow everyone's minds, and better yourself. This may take some time, but it's probably the most impressive spring break stories to tell.