When you're traveling on a bus, the trip can sometimes take over seven hours there and back. Everyone knows sitting on a coach bus is not the comfiest of things after two or more hours. What do you do? How do you stay comfortable?
You can sit and stare out the window the entire time, with or without headphones in. The window seat is the best seat, especially if you have to have a seat buddy.
Reading on the bus is always a tricky task. If you are able to read without getting "bus sick," that is another option to pass the time.Sleeping on the bus always makes time pass by quicker. Just be careful you don't get a stiff neck when you wake up.If you are on a trip with a bunch of friendly faces, start a conversation. Bus chats are sometimes the greatest talks.Sitting on a coach bus can get extremely boring and tedious. Another thing you can do to pass the time is watch a movie. On top of watching movies, there are also many bus ride games that you could play, including "I-Spy," the license plate game, 20 questions, the "punch buggy" game, "Where's the Alphabet?," and "Name That Tune." But if you are traveling with a team or family, everyone can participate in "American Idol."
Now another issue about being on a bus for over two hours is staying comfortable. There are many different positions one can sit in. You can sit normally with feet on the ground and straight up or have the back or your chair reclined. A second way is having your back against the window and your feet across the second seat, if you do not have someone next to you. Lying down on a bus can be very tricky, especially if you are over five-feet, six inches tall, but it is always another option on how to sit during a trip. One last option is putting your head near the aisle and feet up onto the window (this helps with leg cramps).
After reading this article, I hope your next long bus ride is a little bit more pleasant than the last one. Have a fun, safe and comfortable journey!