You know when you write something so witty and wonderful? You know how great it is to feel proud of what you've just written? Now, imagine that you closed your 700-or so worded article so you could relax a bit before submitting it. After a minute or so, you can't remain calm because you are just so excited about it, so you decide to open it again to look at your genius work once more. You click on the link. The page is blank. All your hard work and wit and knowledge is gone. GONE.
Okay, so maybe you don't have this problem. Maybe you're not a writer who has to write an article every week. However, you might be a student who has lost their progress on a paper for class. We've all had those moments of intense frustration that can feel like a giant anvil on your chest.
This week I had written a piece about body love that I was very happy about. I thought it was probably the best, most personal piece I had written for The Odyssey so far. However, the system did not save my article. I had experienced the very thing all writers dread.
Anyway, if you ever experience this terrible tragedy, here are some steps you can do to ride out the panic and get ready to move on:
1. Let yourself panic
It's okay to let yourself feel things, even if those feelings are terrible. Don't try to push aside your pain. A terrible thing has happened. Let yourself panic for a good minute or so.
Optional: Cry
Sometimes you gotta cry. It's a tough loss. Maybe it's just what you need. A good cry.
2. Take a deep breath
I know it's cheesy, but it's a cliche for a reason. A nice, deep breath can help re-focus your mind.
3. Take a break
You're too close to the problem. You need a break. Hell, you deserve a break. All that hard work for nothing is tough. Watch something on Netflix. Listen to the music from Hamilton. Ride a bike. I don't know what you do for fun, you do you.
4. Refocus
It's time to move on with a new idea. Brainstorm. Bounce new ideas off a friend. Maybe try writing the same article or paper or maybe you could write an entirely new one. Who knows? The world is your oyster!
5. Get down to business
Well, you knew it was coming. Responsibilities do not magically go away. You're prepared, now, so go forth. Godspeed.
Well, this article was probably more useful for me than for anyone else but I hope this helps someone. If you recently lost something hard you've worked on, I am so sorry. That is the worst. It really does suck, but you are strong. You will get through this. You have survived worse and now you have the tools to start over. Stay strong. Happy writing!