From the first day of college, you are shoved into orientation, meaning you must learn new rules, see new buildings, and meet new faces. You make some quick temporary friends and go eat some somewhat decent food from the Dining Commons. You then do this every day for weeks and weeks until it finally hits you that you miss hearing the old rules, entering familiar buildings, and seeing those same old faces. When you can just barely taste your mom’s spaghetti, you realize that you are homesick.
Many college students suffer from homesickness at some point. It might even linger the entire four years. As a third year student, I’ve learned that each year is different, but saying goodbye does not get easier.
While the transition from home to school will always be difficult, here are a few suggestions to help you cope:
1. Call your family and friends.
Texting is a quick and easy way of communication, but picking up the phone and hearing that familiar voice on the other side feels great after a long day. Sometimes you just need to hear a loved one telling you that everything will be okay. Skype and Facetime are just as good, if not better. Just try not to get too frustrated when the call struggles to connect.
2. Join a club.
Joining clubs at the beginning of the school year helped me to meet people who shared the same interest and we quickly became a family. A lot of people are having difficulties adjusting this time of year. They are longing to make connections just like you. Maybe the next time someone hands you a flier for their club, instead of walking a safe distance and then politely chucking it into the garbage, you could check out their first meeting. You might end up sharing stories and making friends. Plus, there is usually free food on the first night.
3. Accept the differences.
One thing I did my first year was constantly compare my school environment to back home. I had to accept that it is a little colder here and this ice cream isn't as good as the ice cream from the shop you and your friends used to go to, but that’s okay. These new experiences in college are one day going to be memories, so make the best of it while you can. Your family and friends are waiting for you and they miss you too. They are going to want to hear about all your new adventures at school and how in your new college town they call the trolley a light rail. So don’t worry, because dad’s hamburgers are going to taste even better than you remember.