Why are we becoming so sensitive now a days? It seems like the littlest thing will set someone off. I've seen people post innocent jokes on Facebook that has no intent on hurting anyone and it sparked an argument that lead to threats. What is the need for that? I am convinced everyone just gets on to Facebook now just to argue and be offended by everything.
It seems like everything has to be about race and gender now. I'm not here to argue but there are certainly problems regarding the two, but not every single little thing should be about that. If you live that way you will never be happy. You'll constantly feel like you're walking on eggshells or constantly feel offended by everything. My advice? RELAX. If you're constantly offended by things online, take a deep breath, close the app or webpage. It's that simple. If a person constantly harasses you, block that person. There is no need to let something so small, that doesn't effect you, ruin your day. It also doesn't hurt to do research on things before you lose your cool over something. It keeps you informed and not looking like an idiot.
A another thing I've seen on Facebook is that my friends or family will share or post something things that pretty much say how tough they are and nothing offends them. But if you share anything that goes against their political view or view of the world....they suddenly change from tough to offended. Again like I said earlier if something truly offends you online BLOCK IT. It is really not that hard. And if you have a family member that constantly shares and posts things that you don't like, delete as a friend on there and send them a friend request when election season is over.
Don't let your distant relative, that friend you barely talk to, or that guy you work with offend you by their post on Facebook.