Who doesn’t have stress in their life? Between the crazy things happening in our world around us, to college, future career goals, and everything else sometimes we are left in a world wind of chaos. Over the last six months I have realized that managing my stress, and taking time for myself has not only helped my overall attitude, but has also helped my health, my anxiety and has also helped my relationships with other people.
The first thing we should do when we get stressed is evaluate the situation. One way to do this is asking questions. Sometimes we think our tasks in front of us are unmanageable and crazy, but when we break them down, we realize that we can do what is facing us. Some questions I ask myself are:
- What is really going on?
- What is the first step?
- What is this accomplishing?
- What similar situations have I or a friend been in before?
- Do I need help?
For me when I ask questions metacognition jumps in and I begin to subconsciously decode a once complex situation into a series of task to be done.
Next we have to realize that the pressure is off. Excellence is a more realistic expectation than perfection. Sometimes we put so much pressure on ourselves to be perfect that we over prepare and try to be something we are not. We are beautify made, but also flawed. Sometimes the things in life that are not planned are the best moments ever. So as much as I love a good planner, I have learned to live life and take the pressure of perfection off my shoulders.
I also think that when you learn to release stress by physical activity, you are doing two good things at once. Not only are you gaining muscle tone and stamina, but you are releasing endorphins. That means that your body is releasing chemicals that make not only your physical body feel good, but they also affect your mood, and spirit. When you dance, or work out by running, or swim, etc. you are flooding your negative mindset with positive vibes.
Last, I think surrounding yourself with good friends can alleviate stress. Friends help build confidence in yourself, and humble you at the same time. They also can pull you away from worrying you. Friends also uplift you, and motivate you to be better. The phrase “Show me your friends and I will show you your future” is one of the truest things that I have ever heard.
Overall, these are my life tips for back to school season. When stress comes realize you need to stop, breathe and analyze, take the pressure of perfection off of yourself, and surround yourself with strong friends.