When the power goes out in your dorm, be prepared for rotting perishables, early nights in, and people losing their minds. Here's the scoop on coping.
1. Get Out Of There.
If you have the means, you might want to head home, or to a neighboring town that does have power. Bring your bestie, your roommates, or anyone who wants to reenter into the bliss that is air conditioning.
2. Dinner
Most dorms don't allow candles; however, fake candles are cheap and accessible, and I guarantee that people in your hall all have lanterns. Invite them into your room and binge on all the nonperishable you have. Freshman fifteen, here we come.
3. Door Signs
Kind of weird, but people will be looking for something to do so let them know you're down for visitors. You'll make lots of friends and some great memories.
4. The Halls Have Lights
When my school's power went out, the only lights on were the hall lights. People will hang in the halls at night until bed. Hang out with them and make friends :)
5. Stock Up
When they say a hurricane's coming, don't blow it off. It's better to be safe than sorry. Fo'sho