We've all been there. Dealing with classes, homework, practice, working out, socializing, going to numerous socials, recitals or other events. The list could go one for years, but everyone knows what I'm talking about. The inevitable pull of life and the chaos that ensues. Just this semester I've had more courses than I thought it was possible to take, worked more hours than ever before, joined two professional organizations, joined a fraternity, and got a second job. It has been an absolutely wild time and one of the biggest lessons I've learned from it is the importance of taking care of yourself. In order to perform to your best ability and give life all that you can, sometimes you need to take a step back and relax.
Letting yourself be overwhelmed is a trap that the best of us fall into. We look at our planners and see the scores of unchecked boxes and deadlines looming above us and we freak. Time starts to fly by and before we know it we're crying in a practice room because you don't know if you can handle the stress.
Not that it ever happened to me of course... Moving on.
The first step that I've learned to take is to make a list and label it "Most Important", "Not So Much", and "Don't Sweat It". This allows me to categorize what's really crucial for me to get done as soon as possible. Putting tasks down in a way that makes sense always calms me down, call me crazy, and it definitely helps because then I can't stress about what needs to be done. I already know.
Another little bit of relaxation that I allow myself is an hour of Netflix when I'm feeling extremely stressed. It seems a little counterintuitive yes, but honestly, when you're flipping out and about to break down from all the pressure sometimes you need a mental decompress. Your mind is going a thousand miles a minute, let it breathe, give those neurons a chance to breathe. You'd be amazed at how much you're capable of after a little breather. Not to mention, who doesn't love a little catch up of that favorite show you've been neglecting?
Something that I don't do much but is amazingly helpful is getting up, taking a breath, and going to the gym. Sweat it out, take that stress and pound the crap out of it, literally. Pump the irons, hit the treadmill, whatever you need to do. By exercising you're releasing negative energy and your brain is creating a high level of endorphins which make you happier, calmer, and less stressed. So when it's finals week ad you're about ready to beat the guys next door for playing their drums at six in the morning, put on your sweats and go for a run. It's better than murder and it'll help you wake up, be more alert, and perform better on your exams.
My last piece of advice for you is to breathe and allow yourself to enjoy this time. You shouldn't spend every minute stressed and going out of your mind, it isn't healthy and in the long run, you'll do worse because of it. So eat that piece of cake in the dining hall and go bowling with your friends. When they invite you to a movie or a crazy nighttime adventure, go with every now and then. Even a perfectionist who is carrying the world on their shoulders deserves to have a break and have fun. It won't be easy I know, but it'll make these next four years more fun, enjoyable, and memorable by far.