Valentine's Day is right around the corner. You know what that means: it's time to complain about not having any plans for Feb. 14. This day would be a lot easier to get through if A) you had plans with a certain someone or B) every store didn't start reminding you that you were alone in life starting mid-January. Fear not, single saps, there's more to do on Valentine's Day than going on dates and being happy. Try out one of these things instead!
1. Watch a sappy movie.
Just because Lloyd Dobler is everything.
2. Watch a movie that'll make you thankful you're single.
Instead of being sad that you're single, be happy that you don't have a boyfriend who starts murdering unsuspecting classmates like JD in "Heathers."
3. Hydrate.
You'll numb those feelings right up!
4. Enjoy some comfort food.
Pizza will never leave you.
5. Send yourself some flowers.
No one else is going to.
6. Facebook-stalk your ex.
Go like your ex's photo from 32 weeks ago; that'll really show them what they're missing this Valentine's Day.
7. Call home.
Except your parents probably have nice plans, unlike you.
8. Tweet something cryptic.
Tweet something like "best day," and everyone will definitely think you had some great plans this Valentine's Day!
9. Cry.
Disclaimer: you'll have to wipe your own tears.
10. Go to bed early.
It'll make Feb. 15 get here a lot quicker.
Only 52 more weeks 'til next Valentine's Day everyone! But in all seriousness, Valentine's Day is just one of 365 days of the year. Go have fun, hang out with your friends and do whatever you want.