So back to my wonderful week of inconveniences. We left off with my car actually turning off allowing me to leave the car without worry.
In my previous article, I failed to mention my lovely doorknob situation. This doorknob bit me in the butt not once or twice, but too many times.
The knob recently broke but the pieces are so unique it’d take a lot more than just a new knob to fix it. My car is usually parked right on the other side of the door. When I first tried to deal with my car battery, I was running in and out of the house without noticing the missing doorknob. If the door didn’t shut all the way, you didn’t need to turn the knob to open the door. Then it hit me. Actually, I hit it. By “it” I mean the door. I went to run out the door, trying to race time, but the door had shut completely. My nose was inches from another disaster. God must’ve known I couldn’t handle a broken nose at the time. I backed up slowly while my mind began to scramble with panic. I’m trapped… How am I supposed to get out? My breathing sped up and shortened, but then I pictured that stop sign again. I paced my breathing to calm down and relax my mind to think clearly.
I could walk around back and around the block. That would’ve used even more time though. I started looking for the doorknob. It had to be here. It’s not like someone would take it to work or walk off with it. I stood in the center of the living room, wondering if I had moved it somewhere because it wasn’t anywhere by the door. I ended up finding it on the kitchen counter with the other knobs my brother was trying to fit into the complicated door. Another thing I learned during this experience is that my brother, Al Hassane, is not only the engineer of the family but also the “Do It Yourself-er”, mechanic and handyman. He has all these tools to use in case of an emergency. It made me start to think of all the things I’ve bought in my life and how much of it I could use in an adult, life emergency.
Within the month of February, I’ve lost this doorknob, dropped the knob and gotten locked out because of the knob. At one point, I just embraced the experience. It was like participating in an escape room challenge each morning. It might’ve been more exciting if I wasn’t running late every time something like this happened. That brings me to a big message I want you to get out of this week’s article.
Waking up early is so beneficial in so many different scenarios!
Enough about doorknobs, right? Back to my car. It was a Tuesday night, I had class the next morning, and I needed my car. My brother got home and immediately pulled up next to my car. He called me to come outside and to bring jumper cables. We know where this is going. I jumped up, threw on my coat and literally ran outside. At this point from all my research I knew the black negative cable went to the negative port and the red positive cable to the positive port on each car. I also knew that there was a certain way and order to connect the cables and some people do different things so take a look at the video below before you try this!
When we finally attached the last positive cable to my brother’s car, sparks flew! Normally, I would jump or freak out, but I knew sparks were a possibility when connecting that last positive cable to the battery because of some other videos I had watched.
He started his car and I started mine and nothing. I pushed the start button and nothing. I inserted the actual key and pushed the start button and nothing. My brother came over and we switched places. He kept the key in and pushed the start button. The difference was that he held it down longer than I had and my car came to life. We let the car run for a little then returned inside. I probably should’ve drove around after we got it started. I repeat DO NOT get lazy and go inside. Drive the car a little and then go relax.
The next morning, I should’ve gotten up early to make sure everything was actually working. I didn’t and neither did my car. It didn’t start and I had a class at eight am sharp. I went right into action recalling everything from last night. I went along with each step a if there was someone guiding me through each sequence. With all the cables hooked up, I started my brother’s car hoping nothing would go wrong with this car, too. Then I got in my car and hit the start button with the key inserted and held it down. It had to start. I couldn’t miss this class. I held my breath and then could finally breath when the car engine roared. I was so elated and proud of myself for trying it this time. It’s not like I had much of a choice. I revved the engine and kept my car on while got ready to leave.
I went to get the battery tested within the week. I also ended up impulsively buying a new battery. I didn’t want to deal with any more headache when it came to my car.
I should’ve waited…. Tune in week to find out why!