I'm not sure if you all read the emails you get from the University, but there was an alarming email that went around noon on Saturday: we may have an outbreak of Norovirus.
If you are sick, please follow my guide for appropriate behaviors.
If you are sick, do not leave your dorm (except to get medical care).
Look, I know that we at the U of R are motivated, studious individuals. That being said, if you feel sick with the symptoms described in the email (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea) please do not come to class. I don't care how much you protest this, getting everyone else sick makes you a real dick. Don't be a dick.
I mean obviously you're allowed to go and get medical care, you're just not allowed to go and interact with people and pretend to get healthy. THAT'S HOW DISEASE SPREADS. No one will be your friend if you gave all your friends Norovirus.
Drink plenty of clear fluids (and no, vodka doesn't count)
Part of the email recommended drinking clear liquids "such as ginger ale, or a sports drink." Though vodka and other high-alcohol content liquors are technically clear fluids, this is not what they meant. Do not get drunk while sick, that sounds like a recipe for a terrible time.
Instead of interacting irl make a Miitomo and interact with your friends there.
I know it's incredibly isolating to be quarantined in your room, but to solve your boredom lemme introduce you to something incredible: Miitomo. Yes, Nintendo made a social media app and it's literally the greatest. You can like make a mii and like friend people and you basically just talk about yourself and hear other people talk about themselves. Also your Mii can take photos. Also I am 100% cuter on this app than I am in reality. Observe below:
Honestly, Miitomo is the greatest and I have wasted so much time on it.
Wash your hands a whole bunch.
I mean you should already be washing your hands all the time but like make sure to use soap. Hand sanitizer is not a replacement for soap. I'm gonna repeat that so people in the back can here. Hand Sanitizer. Is not. A replacement. For soap.
Spend your day relaxing.
Stress weakens your immune system long term. So if you are sick and stressed out because of it, you're not helping yourself get better. Drink your fluids. Eat what you can. And relax a bit. Get yourself an adult coloring book or something. Read. Watch a movie. Just chill. Your sick, let yourself recover. Stop suffering.