I have worked in the haunt industry for six years as an actor. And although I have seen my fair share of terrible patrons, there are 10 definite things that tick off every actor. So this Halloween season, please make sure not to do these things, and do not be "that customer".
1. Don't have your phone out.
Every haunted attraction has the no cellphone rule. If you have your phone out recording the entire attraction, you're ruining the experience for the rest of the patrons in your group. The flash is also very blinding to the actors. Since our eyes have been adjusted to work in the dark, that quick flash can temporarily blind us, causing us to possibly injure ourselves. We also don't want to take selfies with you inside the attraction.
2. Don't wear flipflops.
If the back of your shoe gets stepped on, you might fall or break your shoe. The attraction might also may be muddy, causing you to fall or get stuck.
3. Don't backtalk the actors.
You may think it's funny, but you're making yourself look like an asshole in front of a lot of people. Usually, the actors have comebacks that will set you straight, and you will look like a complete idiot in front of everyone.
4. Don't hit or touch the actors.
At some haunted attractions, actors may be allowed to touch you. But please do not touch or hit tus back. We will identify you, you will be kicked out, you will not get a refund, and charges can be pressed in some cases.
5. Do not smoke in the attractions.
Smoking creates a fire hazard, especially if you are on a hayride since the hay can catch fire very easily. You could also potentially burn fellow patrons or employees.
6. Do not drink in the attraction or come completely wasted.
You will disrupt fellow patrons, employees, and ruin the experience for others. Don't be that person.