After watching a significant amount of the TV shows "Doomsday Preppers" and "No Tomorrow", coupled with my newly found anxiety about our crippling environment I'm learning about in my environmental studies class, it appears everyone has been thinking about the end of the world A LOT lately. While we've survived Y2K, 2012, and most other predictions of the end of the world, it appears we're not exactly out of the woods. So if you knew you only had a limited amount of time on earth for example, a year, what would you do? After reading several travel articles and contemplating myself, what would be the best things to do during your last year on earth, I've compiled this list and hey, even if we don't die, you still might have some fun!
Stop wearing a bra. For all the girls out there, this might be the first thing you stop doing. It's uncomfortable, unnecessary, and is really only for aesthetics, so why not throw that thing out regardless?
Speak up and let your voice be heard more often! Hypothetically, you only have a year left, if you made your voice heard more often, you might actually make some positive changes in your year left. Your voice matters, and what you might be saying, may be something someone else is dying to say. So get to it! Your voice is special and deserves to be heard no matter what!
Stop worrying about what other people think of you. If we're all gonna die in a year, why would you waste your time constantly worrying if other people like you? It's a waste of time and not worth thinking about for even one more minute.
Start traveling more. Whether it's backpacking across Spain or doing the Iditarod or traveling the west cost in an Airstream, if you've ever wanted to do it, now's the time. Some say travel is the only you spend money on that makes you richer, and it's so true. So stop looking at that picture of Paris on your wall and start looking at Paris! You deserve all you want in life, and if traveling is something you want, nothing is holding you back.
Start reading more. Books are a fountain of knowledge and culture that is at your fingertips, yet you never actually use it. Start using it and learning all you can about the world, because the world is freaking awesome!
Delete you social media accounts. Nobody has time for that! You're working with only a year's time and the average person spends almost two hours a day on social media, for absolutely nothing! So turn your phone off and get out there!
While some of these suggestions may seem totally ridiculous and undoable, consider what makes you think that, and understand that while the world isn't ending in a year, it's ending at some point and you might not be ready for that, so get out there and enjoy everything while you can!