College is known to be one of the most amazing and stressful experiences in life. I mean, do you ever have those lightbulb moments where you're stuck with inspiration and all of a sudden can think of at least 20 different things you want to do or need to get done within a specific amount of time? Yes, you do! And because of this, there is usually always a to-do list about a mile long of things to get done. And when you're in college trying to cross everything off of your to-do list while managing assignments, exams, and study groups can get stressful. So ditch that college checklist and make this your easy-to-do and only essential bucket list to complete. I promise you won't be disappointed!
1. Go On A Spontaneous Adventure
This is number one my bucket list for a reason! College is all about adventure, getting to know yourself and living life in the moment! So with that being said, what college experience would be complete without a spontaneous adventure to a place near or far, under the sun or even the stars!
2. Find Your Favorite Study SpotÂ
Finding your favorite study spot is something that is not only important to your studies but something that makes your college experience whether as a commuter or live-in student much more special. Having a special study place helps to not only make you feel at home but relaxed, especially knowing there is the perfect place you can go to when you need to focus, have time to yourself, or cram for that next test.
3. Study Abroad
When asking friends and other fellow college students; "what is one thing you wish to do or have done before you graduate college?", the number one response I got back was to study abroad. Now, as someone who has never studied abroad, I can definitely see why this would be on the bucket list of so many students (including myself). So many people grow up dreaming of studying abroad and experiencing a new culture, lifestyle and all the new experiences that cone along with it, and what better way to do that then in college when you are supposed to be growing into your own person and experiencing everything life has to offer?
4. Join A Club
Joining a club is NECESSARY for the true college experience. While I know that joining clubs nay not be easy for everyone, especially for those with social anxiety, or already jam-packed busy school and work schedules but joining a club or school organization is one of the best ways to get involved, meet and people and make memories with those people who enjoy the same things as you!
5. Go To A Sporting Event
Whether it's football, basketball, soccer, baseball, etc., you have to experience the fun and excitement of college sports.
6. Binge-Watch Friends With All Your Friends
Are you really a millennial college student if you haven't sat on the couch binge-watching friends with all of your friends while procrastinating doing your homework?
7. Play An Intramural Sport
Intramural sports are another amazing way to get involved and make memories and friends that will last far beyond your college years!
8. Go Out With The Girls/GuysÂ
Whether it be going out for pizza, drinks or the movies, you have to make sure you take the time to go out and make as memories with your college friends as possible before you graduate!
9. Ditch Class
Every college student ditches class at least once. And whether its to go on an adventure or to sleep in, its definitely a good one to check off your bucket list.
10. Challenge Your Beliefs
College is an amazing time where most people can grow individually and independently from their family and how they were raised and a lot of this is done from challenging their own beliefs.
11. Attend A Seminar At Your School
Universities and colleges are a great place for catching thought-provoking and insightful seminars about current world, political and educational topics. What's even better is that as a college student these fun and intellectual events are often free to those who attend the college! And who wouldn't love to receive amazing insight or further their education and knowledge through something as simple as attending a FREE seminar.
12. Pull An All-nighterÂ
Did you really go to college if you didn't pull at least one all-nighter?
13. Stay up to watch the sunrise
This bucket list item can go hand-in-hand with number 12 above! If you're gonna pull an all nighter to study, watch movies or just hang with your buds, why not end your epic all-nighter by finding a vantage point and witnessing a glorious sunrise!
14. Get A Job/Internship
This bucket list item is one that people brought up to me A LOT. Especially because the majority of people who brought up this item also said that it would have better prepared them for life after graduation and also been a fun experience!
15. Drink 10,000 Gallons of Coffee
*Sigh*, Nothing like 800 good cups of joe and espresso shots to give you the energy you need to cram for your test or get that paper in on time.
16. Almost Die From A Caffeine Overdose
There's also nothing quite like being rushed to the hospital because of one or two to many espresso shots. And yes, this has actually happened before.
17. Seek Discomfort
This year, as a college senior I discovered a YouTube channel entitled Yes Theory whose goal was to "Seek Discomfort" and challenge themselves by saying yes to most things that seemed impossible. After seeing the impact they have had on thousands upon thousands, I was reminded about how life and college, in general, is all about discovering and becoming who you are meant to be. And, there is no way you will get to fulfill your dreams and goal life without having to seek some discomfort along the way.
18. Do Something You Are Afraid Of
Fear can be a good life-saving reaction to certain situations or encounters in our lives, but it can also be a paralyzing and crippling thing that can keep us from reaching our full potential or discovering something new about ourselves. Personally, there are a lot of things I am "afraid" of, but college has been the perfect place to face a lot of my fears head-on and challenge them, from public speaking, asking that person you've been crushing on to go out on a date, going skydiving and even challenging a poor grade you received from an intimidating instructor, don't be afraid to FACE YOUR FEARS! But as with all things, proceed with caution of course.
19. Run Late To Class
And by run, I mean RUN!
20. Almost Get Hit By A Car On Campus
Or a golf cart, long board or bike for that matter. But hey, free college tuition is pretty awesome!
21. Road Trip To Somewhere Scenic and Breathtaking
Goes well with #1. Life is short, use these college years to take in all the sights and zounds you dream of!
22. Have A Mental Breakdown
Or 10.
23. Question Your Major
This item although scary can also be super important and beneficial! As someone who changed my major during my junior year of college, I STRONGLY encourage you to question your life path and career choices. Doing so can help make sure your college career is focused on becoming your truest and best version of yourself that's ready to take on the real world! And, if you are curious about doing so but have questions or reservations, you can read all about my first-hand experience by clicking here!
24. Have A Photoshoot With Your Friends
You don't need a fancy DSLR to be able to get some killer pictures for Instagram. But, you do need an awesome group of friends and some big smiles to create killer photos and capture some fun memories.
25. Be Proud of Your Accomplishments!
College is a critical time that comes with a lot of self-reflection, stress and self-criticism. But, it doesn't need to be! Make sure that even way before you graduate, you take time to acknowledge all of your accomplishments and be proud of them. I mean heck, you woke up got out of bed, so that's an accomplishment in itself!