Lucky me, I just celebrated my 22nd birthday this past New Years day.
You know the question that one person ALWAYS asks… “well, how does it feel to be (enter age here)?” And, there really never is some overwhelming emotion that takes you over. It’s just another day; you’re just another year older. Cheers to that, right?
Well, at 22, it hit me, and it hit hard.
I came to the realization that I will be graduating college.
This means find a job. No, not just a job. A career.
My parents will be cutting me off slowly, but surely.
Bills will be sent in my name, and I’m not referring to Netflix or iTunes Radio.
I’m pretty sure I can’t go to my pediatrician anymore. (But, why??? I still love getting a lollipop at the end of my appointment.)
Uh, where am I going to live? I don’t know if I could go back under my parents roof, but I don’t know if I can handle leaving the dorms.
No one cares when you’re 22. Seriously. I got 2 or 3 birthday cards this year, and one was signed from my boyfriend’s dog.
My student loans are creepin’ up from around the corner.
My daily naps will be over. 9-5, 5 days a week is heading my way.
This was my last longer than needed winter break…
I guess 25 will be a cool age to look forward to? No “underage” driver fees when I want to rent a car.
I’m not a fan of Taylor Swift, but maybe everything will be alright; if I just keep dancing like I’m 22.