I remember that feeling of wonder as I finally decided that I was indeed, going to college in California. I had not once ever been there, yet I knew that was where I was supposed to go.
During the months of preparing everything to head off to college, my feelings were a mess - and all over. I wondered how different life would be. I thought long and hard about how much I would miss my family and what it would feel like to not see them for months on end. What would happen if life is so different out there?
When you go to college it is normal to feel all the jitters that come before actually starting your classes and dorm life, but when you decide to go somewhere out of state, the "worry list" gets longer.
I am writing most of this from my own personal experience of deciding to take a leap of faith, and attend college out of state- 2,000 miles away from my beloved home state! Here is what I feel anybody considering to attend a college out of there home state, should anticipate.
1.Missing friends and family
It is a no brainier that (hopefully) you will start to miss your family. This was one of the hardest adjustments for me. The miles between become so real it can be hard to accept. The hardest part is when all your friends can go home when they are sick , or on the weekend, but you only have the option to pay an expensive airplane ticket, or plan a Skype date.
Even though distance can make it extremely difficult, i noticed just how much my relationships grew! The people who are rooting you on are the people that keep you going! I know that I noticed who my real supports were, and that I thought was super cool.
2.Culture Shock!
Different states all have their own different ways, right?- Yep! Heading from the mid-west to the west sure had a number of culture shocks! This can be seen by the way of life, how people talk and even the laws. When I moved out of state, I was also moving to a much bigger town than what I grew up in, so there were a lot of new things I had never experienced in everyday life! (Like how Target isn't an hour away but only three minutes!- weird!)
3.Breaks are the best
Most of the time, us "out of staters" get to fly home during certain long breaks. I was fortunate enough to have been able to go home during Christmas break, and spring break. One thing is true when these breaks come- they mean SO much. Nothing is better than reuniting with your family, and your bed! (Don't forget the furry pets that get to be pet and snuggled!)
(For one of my breaks my parents came to visit!)
4.Out of state questions
There is no getting around those questions that people bombard you about your home state. I feel everyone who comes farther that 1000 miles gets the question "where even is your state on the map?" and, "isn't your state the one who has (fill in the blank)". Through this, you will notice just how much America actually doesn't know about itself, resulting in you becoming the best historian about your beloved state.
(Minnesota beauty!)
5.You will notice how different everything is
I notice just how different my home is from college by going back home! I remember when my parents picked me up from college and I noticed how much of an accent my dad had compared to the people I had been with. And yes, I have been laughed out for my "mispronunciation" of certain words. Apparently to Californians it is bang, not baeg, and hammik, not hammock , like us Minnesotan's say. Also, speed of life changes over the miles and through the cities.
6. All The Extra Thoughts
Many people don't realize all the extra thoughts that come when deciding to attend out of state. Now instead of just thinking about all the things you want to bring to college, you have to think about what it will be like there (climate-wise), how everything is going to fit (since you have one trip to bring everything), and how you are going to get there! Thankfully for me, I was able to pack less clothes because I was going to a warmer climate. One of the most stressful parts for me was packing the car!
7.New experiences
Each state has their own beauty and quirks. One of my favorite things to do in my free time at college was to explore the new state I was in! More than likely, you can encounter stuff that you could have never in your home state!
8.College life, on top of out of state life
So, instead of just getting used to that "college life" you have to get used to that "out of state life".
Even though there are always hard parts about being so far away, there are also life-changing parts that are only experienced by taking such a step. I think THE best part about going to school out of state is the growth that comes with it! There is nothing more real than saying goodbye to all you have known, and embracing a new season of life. In my first year of college I grew SO much. I learned how to adjust, juggle and handle situations with my home being so far away. I also learned how to trust God through it all, believing His plans for me.
I want to encourage anyone who is thinking about attending school out of state.
-Make sure it is prayerfully considered!
-Think through it! (but don't over think)
- Write out the pluses and minuses about going!
- Know that whether it works out or not, you will grow out of it, and nothing is wasted!