College is weird. People do weird things, say weird things and at times act, you guessed it, weird. Before this, we had constant supervision and someone telling us what to do and when to do it, and then all of a sudden we become our alarm clock. We have to make a contentious effort to get up and be in class or at work and simultaneously allow ourselves to sleep in to ensure that we get enough sleep. Everyone has different sleep schedules, and this can be a strange shift from the early high school days to really getting up whenever you want to (or when your roommate decides she's going to blow dry her hair in your dorm room.) Here is what the time you wake up says about you.
6 a.m. and earlier: First of all, props to you for being able to even open your eyes before the sun is up. You are probably someone who is very disciplined in all things- you hit the gym before work, get in a good breakfast, and are starting your day off on the right foot. You are going strong until that 10 a.m. struggle of being sleepy and still two hours from lunch, but power through because productivity always wins. While you may accomplish more than most people do in a day before noon, you are wiped out and have to go to sleep early, meaning you may miss out on the fun of nighttime activities. In short, if 6 a.m. is your hour, you are productive and the epitome of an early bird.
7-8 a.m: In college, you probably get up around this time to make your dreaded 9:30 psych class. It is still impressive that you are awake and functioning, seeing as you likely went to bed around 1 a.m. It makes you question how you were ever up and dressed at school by this time, because now you wait until the last second to get up and dressed because every minute of sleep counts. You can likely grab a granola bar on the way out the door and make it just on time to where you need to be. This is still an early riser for college, but you wake up with the sun so it feels a little better than 6 a.m. Read- you are punctual and ready to take on the day, so long as the sun is up.
9-11 a.m: You lucky duck- you do not have class until noon or later. You have time to sleep in and maybe set an alarm, maybe not; you just go with the flow and let your body decide when you're going to wake for the day. You maybe lay in bed watching TV or make some breakfast before conquering the day. You may be more of a night owl because you are able to sleep in a little more. You are slower to start the day but full speed ahead come noon.
Noon and later: Ah, wouldn't it be nice. You have the luxury of deciding, do you make breakfast or lunch? While you have unfortunately missed your window for Chick-fil-a breakfast, you have likely gotten a full night of sleep and then some. You may have missed your 10 a.m. class but that's alright, what's one more day of sleeping in at this point? You're definitely a good time seeing as you're up until the wee hours of the morning, and chances are if you're up this late there was Gumby's involved so you're just winning overall. You are exhausted but there is always fun to be had.
College is the first and last time in our lives until we retire that we have a constantly flexible sleeping schedule. Enjoy it while you can knowing that the 9 to 5 grind is coming!