My generation does not know how good they have it. According to Google; Generation Z is defined by birth years starting in the mid-1990s although the early or late 1990s have also been also used at starting years for this generation. So to those to whom this applies; listen up. Generation Z’ers are spoiled beyond belief. Most have had everything handed to them. We are the generation that got trophies just for showing up for a team sport. The result of this is obvious when they get out in the workforce. We are so used to being praised for everything we did, some companies feel the need to award "employee" of the day to generation Z'ers in order to satisfy their big ego's, and the day is about being rewarded for their success. They need to know that they are doing a great job constantly. I know several people who work at their job and afterward, come home cranky and miserable and complain. They don't have the constant worry of bills that need to be paid off, paying for groceries for the whole family, paying for expensive phone bills or spending money they earn to keep a roof over their head. “It just isn’t fair, "I'm miserable all the time" I don't have time for anything else right now are often to be expressed a lot among my peers.
After much discussion with my elders, they agree that my generation needs to get a reality check. They feel if Generation Z is having difficulty enjoying college, making extra spending cash, not having major stress in their life and staying up all night is such a tragic thing. It's time they walk in someone else’s shoes who has it a lot worse. There are adults who just lost a parent to a horrible disease, or parents who have to break the news to their kid that they are getting a divorce. Or a child who is barely a teenager breathing their last breath in a hospital. Parents do their best and go out of their way to keep children happy, and it makes them upset to see their selfish stupidity. Parents hope to teach their kids valuable skills to help them in life.
A way to begin appreciating life is to work for what you want and not complain. It’s appreciating what you have and what you are working hard for. If you are having a crappy day at work because customers are rude, take a moment to put your life and your existence in perspective.
So next time your feet hurt from standing in one place at your job for a few hours or if you made less tips than you expected, call your parents, aunts, uncles, and grandparents and thank them for all the hard work they have put in to keep everyone happy.