When graduation approaches, every senior is thrilled. To have a degree, to get a real job, to live an adult life and to finally be done with school. Every senior will hear the same things about what they accomplished and will also get annoyed with the question, "what's next?" There are a lot of things that I wish someone had told me about graduating, granted not everyone's post-grad experience will be the same.
How moving back in with your parents is an adjustment. I love my family and I love being at home. But after spending four years living with my friends along with the rare sightings of an adult, it's easy to get annoyed and frustrated. Suddenly you have to actually report to someone where you're going, and can't just walk out of the house like you used to. Plus, being at home, away from a college, means no fun-themed parties in a basement. Bummer.
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I wish someone would have told me that it's REALLY hard to find a job. I've heard that it's impossible to find a job after graduation, but experiencing it sucks. Just trying to get a part-time job took me two-and-a-half months to get an interview. You go to an interview, for a job in your field, and they don't want you because you don't have experience. You can't get experience without a first job. The cycle continues.
Your friends from home aren't the same, and neither are you. My friends from home are a lot different than they used to be, and that's okay, people grow. But no one told us how much it sucks when our friends have changed so much that we don't even know them. No one told us how much it sucks when you move home and only have two remaining friends that are busy or only hang out with their other friends all the time. They got used to you being at school, and now you're left behind. I wish someone would have told me that.
Finally, how much you'll miss the atmosphere of living at school. I miss texting a friend and meeting at Spuds after a rough day of exams. I miss walking everywhere. I miss the vibes the whole town has during Homecoming, or on a weekend night. I miss lazy Sundays when no one asked me why I was still in my pajamas at 4 p.m. College is a unique experience, and I loved every second of it.
But, there is good news. The people that gave you advice about graduation did have one thing right. When they said that you have accomplished a lot, they meant it. Receiving an education is such a blessing. Even though the things mentioned make life a little more difficult, it's not the end of the world. Your education has prepared you to make the best out of whatever life throws your way.
So get out there, post-grad. Live the dreams that you have and make a difference in our world. Even though it may be a struggle, keep fighting. You're smart, you've accomplished a lot, and no one could ever take your place.