College is a crazy adventure full of ups and downs, the highest highs and the lowest lows, the unexpected, and the even more unexpected. No one can put this into words but I'm here to try...
1. It flies
Like at the speed of light. I still feel as if I started college this Fall and am just wrapping up my Freshman year. However, looking back that feels like a lifetime ago. The years of college don't follow the laws of natural time, I'm convinced.
2. It's the best and worst thing that will happen to you
At first, it's the worst. A new place with no friends, more schoolwork, sometimes an unknown future, and lost soul. Then, it quickly becomes the best. New friends, schoolwork pertains to your major, classes are interesting, social events are happening all the time, newfound independence, and a feeling of both accomplishment and importance as an individual.
3. You will change
In more ways than one. This can be mentally, physically, emotionally, developmentally, personality-wise, academic, and many others. No one person stays the same throughout college, it's just impossible. But the changes will turn out to be for the best and allow you to learn things about yourself that you never knew existed.
4. You will grow
As an individual. You will find your place, purpose, destiny, however you want to describe it. But you'll find it. Although I didn't notice while it was happening, looking back at my freshman year self I see how much I've grown and matured.
5. It's not too late to find your best friends
Even though you think you have your best friends from growing up, you will make unbreakable bonds with your college friends. There's something about living together and spending every waking moment, the good and the bad, together that makes college friends very special.
6. School is important, but it's not everything
Yes, grades are important and studying is essential in doing well in college. However, from a senior's perspective applying to jobs, one bad test grade doesn't define you as a student. The memories you make in college are once in a lifetime and missing out on them for one night of studying just isn't worth it. Enjoy your time in college. Work hard, but realize that a 100 and a 97 are the same letter grade. and one poor grade won't ruin your career.
7. College IS for everyone
It's what you make of it. How you carve your own path and make it your own. You have total control of making these four years the best for you personally, and I promise it's worth it.
As graduation comes closer and closer, I am reflecting on the last four years and what I learned that came unexpectedly. Some things happened suddenly and some over time, but nonetheless it took four years time to connect the dots.
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