Graffiti Dance, Olympics, Hoedown, Carnival, you name it. If it was a freshman event, I was there. My first year of college I made it my job to attend every freshman activity possible and I loved it. So, as the time to apply for Orientation Board approached, you can bet I was filling out an application. I knew from the first week on campus that I wanted to be a part of that ministry and every week after just reaffirmed my decision.
I applied for Orientation Board because I wanted to help the incoming freshman the way OB helped me. I was so excited to pour my heart into the freshmen and help make their first few weeks on campus as memorable and as fun as possible.
One of my professors described the members of OB as “Teletubbies on steroids” and that accurately shows what most people on campus think of those involved in Orientation Board. That’s what I thought of the members of Orientation Board. I thought it was a big group of people who were overflowing with energy and just wanted to have fun. Here and there they would put on an event and, of course, they helped me carry all of my heavy boxes up to my third floor dorm room.
BUT, there is something I wasn’t told about Orientation Board.
OB is so much more than a bunch of crazy excited college students (if you saw our welcome week schedule, you would agree that we are crazy). OB is a ministry that not only seeks to serve the freshman, but also encourages spiritual growth and community of the members of the team.
As the time came to return to campus, I was excited to be returning earlier and to kick off the school year with OB, but I could not even begin to imagine the impact welcome week would have on my life.
I was amazed by how hard each member worked in their different areas and the heart that they clearly had for the freshman right off the bat, but it wasn’t until we had all been on campus for six days that I realized how truly amazing this ministry is. On this day, we held a sunrise worship service for the freshman. Worship began at 7:45, so that meant OB members had to meet at 7:05. This was an early wake up following to long days and two late nights. As I approached the chapel, I was amazed by how many OB members were already gathered in groups praying for the worship service that would start in 40 minutes. It was at this moment that it really hit me how much this group of students care for the freshmen not just socially, but academically and spiritually as well.
Through Orientation Board I was able to get to know amazing people that I would not have even met otherwise. These individuals constantly push me in my faith and relationships with others. They helped me to open up and feel comfortable on this campus and I am so thankful for the friendships I have made through OB.
With only two more small events left, I am sad that this opportunity is quickly drawing to an end, but I am excited to continue to see how the Lord uses our efforts this year to help those on campus and bring Him glory.