Through this article I want to bring back the truth of one of the most sacred covenants God made with His people. The rainbow was a symbol of the promise to Noah that God would never flood the earth again. Genesis 9:12-16 states, "Then God said, "I am giving you a sign of my covenant with you and with all living creatures, for all generations to come. I have placed my rainbow in the clouds. It is the sign of my covenant with you and with all the earth. When I send clouds over the earth, the rainbow will appear in the clouds, and I will remember my covenant with you and with all living creatures. Never again will the floodwaters destroy all life. When I see the rainbow in the clouds, I will remember the eternal covenant between God and every living creature on earth.'" The earth was flooded in the first place because of the sin that had invaded the people. Now thousands of years later, it is ironic that this symbol is also used to show gay pride.
As Forrest Wickman explains in his article titled A Rainbow Marriage, the rainbow became the gay pride symbol in the 1970's. The colors of the rainbow all stand for different things, pink for sex, yellow for sunlight, green for nature, red for light, orange for healing, blue for art, indigo for harmony, and violet for the human spirit. The world has corrupted the symbol of forgiveness by making it a sign of something the Bible clearly states is a sin.
I want to give hope to all the believers that struggle with this as much as I do. Why could it not have been a unicorn or any fictitious image? Why make the gay pride symbol something that believers hold so dear? I would love to have answers to these questions, but I simply do not. I am living the same as you are, wondering why we, as a church, have to stand by and watch a sacred symbol be used for something we do not agree with or understand.
I am writing this to remind you that the earth is not your home. You are called to a much bigger and beautiful place, free of sin and suffering. The same power that split the sea lives inside of you. The power that rose Jesus from the dead is living in your heart and soul. You are a visiter on this earth waiting to be taken home to a place that you can freely worship our Savior without being ridiculed because you did not love in the right way. Our God is bigger and stronger than a misused symbol. He has already concord the universe.