I recently just watched my favorite childhood movie, and now I remember why it was one of my all time favorites. One time or another we have all wanted to be a princess, and probably even convinced ourselves that we were (still waiting for my Prince Charming). Mia Thermopolis got what every girl wishes for and learns the process to rule from her very own grandmother. Of course she has her ups and downs along the ride, but gets to go on a adventure that not your average teenager gets to experience even if she didn't ask for it to begin with.
Now let's get to why this is the best movie ever. First off, it stars Julie Andrews and Anne Hathaway, two iconic women put in one movie together. We all love Julie Andrews because we know her from Mary Poppins, and fell in love with Hathaway after her role in this movie. The Princess Diaries not only shows the glitz and glamour, but also the fearlessness a princess must acquire, and the dedication it takes to do nearly anything in life. Mia (Hathaway) stands her ground in the movie by not settling for anything less than what she knows she deserves. This not only makes her a rockstar, but a ruler and someone to look up to. She embodies strength, grace, beauty, and intellegince which promotes nothing less than a true lady. Mia of course, understood the rules that came along with ruling, but didn't change who she was inside during the process. She stayed true to herself.
We get a touch of everything from this film. It's modern, but completely relatable to aspects of your life. You don't have to be a princess to gain the values that this movie contains. One of the most important messages that I think it shows is how valuable true friends and your family are. No matter what, Mia always stuck to her roots, and stood beside her family. We got to experience the journey through both of the movies, and saw how much she developed so in a way we grew up with her.
The Princess Diaries and The Princess Diaries Royal Engagement are two incredible movies for every little girl who has never seen, or someone who just loves to relive their childhood, like myself.