"The Office" is a show that was aired on NBC from 2005 to 2013. I usually just watch it on Netflix, but you can find it on regular television still if you try hard enough. It's my favorite show and I watch it every single night.
This show is a "mockumentary" of a group of typical office workers where egos collide, things go wrong, and people fall in love.
The main office workers during this show are Jim Halpert, Pam Beesley, Dwight Schrute, Phyllice Vance, Oscar Martinez, Kevin Malone, Creed Bratton, Darryl Philbin, Meredith Palmer, Angela Martin, Andy Bernard, Stanley Hudson, Erin Hannon, Ryan Howard, and Kelly Kapoor.
There are so many main characters and so many characters that have come and gone, but let me tell you what nine seasons of "The Office" taught me.
The best quote that I think came from this show was from Andy Bernard, "I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days before you've actually left them."
Michael Scott, the manager of The Office, tries really hard to make the office like a home and make his employees more like a family rather than just co-workers.
These episodes showed me that things will go wrong. Things you plan will fall through. But sometimes, if it's meant to be, it will be.
As the characters of the show constantly look for love, I'm shown time and time again that "Pobody's Nerfect."
At the end of the series, Pam interviews and tells the audience how she struggled to look at her old self. She was engaged to another man for three years before she ever decided to even date Jim, who would become her future husband. Pam said she spent so much time being less happy than she could have been.
Pam said, “Be strong, trust yourself, love yourself. Conquer your fears. Just go after what you want and act fast, because life just isn’t that long.”
I think out of everything from the show, I was taught most about love.
Not every relationship is going to end up the way you want it to. There will be break-ups and there will be heartache. But if you give just a little effort, things may just turn out the way you need them to.
Over and over again, certain loves from each character never worked out. Michael and Holly, Jim and Pam, and even Dwight and Angela.
But by the end, Michael and Holly were married with children, Jim and Pam were also married with children, and Dwight and Angela were finally married and Dwight found out that he was the father to Angela's baby.
Some days we're all going to feel like when Kevin spilled his chili pot everywhere, but you just have to hope you're going to end up like Jim and Pam.