I have now been a writer for the Odyssey for almost a year, I applied to the Ashland University in January 2016. I did not get it that way. I was good with it. One day, my friend who wrote for my old college, Vincennes University told me that they needed more writers for their community. I was a little nervous and I was not sure if I wanted to retry to write for the Odyssey.
I remember the day I applied and got accepted to join the Vincennes community. I got an email from the girl who hired me to be a part of her team to call me. She was excited for me to join her team, she told me that I could give such different opinions that would be amazing.
I wanted to bring to the Odyssey my own perspective, how I feel about things, and not be bias about anything. I don't like writing about politics, money, or stuff along those lines. I know that is weird to think when people write for the Odyssey, but I care to be witty, fun and bring awareness to autism. I like to write to about other things.
What I have learned from writing from the Odyssey is so much and how it has made me a better person...
1. I had such a bad year before I started writing on Odyssey however this gave me an outlet.
My mom told me that writing for the Odyssey bought my confidence and my mojo back. I can't thank the Odyssey enough for that.
2. I never realized that people would like reading my stuff.
I know I should not be shocked; however, it is. I have people that I see from high school saying that they like my articles. I have some friends ask me what are you going to be writing about this week. They always keep me going, even when I don't have anything to write about.
The last final thing is how much I need to thank Odyssey it has made me a confidence strong willed woman.
The people who started this allowed people from my generation to have a voice. Some people complain that this is not really a place that people go to read important pieces. I disagree on that as we all have different opinions on everything. We are allowed to write about anything we want. It can be anything from politics to a simple what you might need at college. I love writing for this community as not a lot of people can say they wrote for something as big as this. I am so glad that I get to say what I feel, and it isn't questioned. So thank you to the Odyssey for allowing me to be who I am while writing everything.