Being from New England, there are many aspects of Southern culture that I just did not understand when moving down South. After attending University of Mississippi, even completing a year of college, I'm still sort of asking this question. In fact, students of all ages and possibly even graduates will shrug when asked what the traditional ancient phrase is, without an answer.
What the heck is "hotty toddy???"
Some students will compare it to'aloha,' sort of a hello and goodbye and in between phrase on campus.
Some students may know the exact history of the phrase, from a class or professor.
Some just say its cool, some might say it's an Ole Miss code word, or a secret language among campus.
Most, do not have a say or clue in the world, at least when they first arrive. Especially transfer students, or travelers.
Well—let me answer this for those of you pretending you already know, may have a clue, or those who will never hear the phrase on campus. (Even though I still feel unaware.)
For those of you who are older reading this article, No, it is not an alcoholic beverage. That is a HOT toddy. (I am also underaged so my mother told me to include this snippet for those family members who know me; I was unaware of the beverage.) I can assure you that no students think of the drink when speaking the phrase hotty toddy.
This phrase seemed extremely weird to me as I wore my "Ole Miss Rebels" gear at the Atlanta airporton my way to orientation last summer. Especially, because any alumni, student, or person affiliated with Ole Miss will see your attire and screech from ANY distance "HOTTY TODDY GO REBS!!!!" as if you're in a secret society of some sort. When any Southern-located person asks about college, and one replies "Ole Miss," this is the first response you will get nine times out of 10.
Hotty Toddy is many things. First and foremost, it is a greeting, and a response to a greeting. Basically a response to any conversation on campus. As well as a goodbye.
Hotty Toddy is a chant, a battle cry at ANY sporting event on campus, or anywhere Ole Miss students are gathered, either at the grove during tailgate, Vaught-Hemmingway, or any other SEC stadium with enough Rebels located to spectate. Traveling to every away game my freshmen year, "Hotty Toddy" was screamed from different sides of the street, different sections of the stadium, and across houses where fans found each other, like an adjoining battle cry.
Honestly, I apologize to disappoint. Only a few in the entire state know the origination of the phrase. Some faculty say it was a twist on a song written for the campus generations ago, changing from "hoity toidy" and many other alterations before this one stuck. Google searches will leave you with more questions on the phrase then answers, and will simply confuse you further.
So listen here, just take my word for it, go along with it, ignore it, but if you're attending this campus, graduated, or are simply visiting, be prepared to hear it quite as often as you take a breath. seriously. No one really knows what it means or came from, but you'll always come across that person after the football-chant or grove-chant that will ponder and say "what is hotty toddy anyway?" or, "where did that even come from?" Well, my friend, just sit back and answer "it's just a way of life." and leave them hanging. Trust me, it's for the best. I'll just leave you here with the Ole Miss chant that includes the phrase that you also must learn.