Summer time in Florida, especially South Florida, is always shown in media as the most glamorous time of the year. Usually when you see Florida depicted in movies or on TV, it usually consists of one main thing: beautiful, happy people having a good time on a beach. Now I hate to burst your bubble, but I'm here to let you know that that is not always the case down here. Contrary to popular belief, summer in South Florida is not always fun and games.
Summer time is always full of wild and crazy parties. Usually when people think of summer in Florida, they usually think of:
But in reality, pool parties usually consist of something like:
If you're a native, seeing random animals in your pool is nothing out of the ordinary. Alligators, frogs, snakes, deer, raccoons, you name it and it's probably fallen in your pool at some point.
Along with only showing the good sides of pool parties, the media is also excellent at showing Florida beaches as something along the lines of:
But in reality, trying to find any space on the beach where you can even pretend to be Rihanna is more like:
(Find Waldo if you can!)
But even though there are always a ton of people at the beach, we can not forget about the heat. Let me tell you how brutal the heat in South Florida is in summer.
The media will show you people walking around all happy and calm:
Look how content and happy this guy is. Everyone in this gif is relaxing as if THE SAND IS NOT LITERAL LAVA.
Walking around on the sand or even just any type of ground in Florida is a lot like:
You can stand still anywhere outside for about two seconds until you realize your shoes are starting to melt, so you need to start running.
Summer in South Florida is not all its cracked up to be. We natives actually have jobs to work at and we don't party all day and all night.
So with all of these people flooding into our state, all of the natives might get cranky with the added traffic, but it's OK. Please keep coming to our state and helping support our economy and local businesses! Summer time in Florida really is great, but the natives really know what's up.