What is a soulmate? If you ask people this question the majority of them will give you answers such as someone who God made for you to spend the rest your life with, your true love, your other half, or some other lovey dovey response like that.
Yes, finding the one is amazing and they're your soulmate, but I believe there is more than just one person out there made specifically for us. Not in the way of relationships or dating cause only some people should get so lucky, but in the way of friendship. My best friend and I have been together for 13 years now. She knows more about me than I know about myself and let's face it she could ruin my life without much effort. So, yes whether or not it's weird; without a doubt that girl is my soulmate.
I've seen her cry, I've seen her laugh and I've wanted to kill her more times than not but never once would I take it back. I got lucky to find one of my soulmates in kindergarten and giving that up would make me crazy.
High school girls, though, are obsessed with finding a soulmate when most of them already found theirs in the 3rd grade. As girls, we need to stop focusing our energy on boys because friends can break your heart far worse than any boy. Having a boyfriend in high school is all fine and dandy but keep in mind who was there before them and make sure they are there after because you should never let go of a true soulmate.