I must Confess, Joining My Sorority Has Been The Best Decision Of My Life For These 10 Reasons | The Odyssey Online
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I must Confess, Joining My Sorority Has Been The Best Decision Of My Life For These 10 Reasons

After joining my sorority, I have been living my best life.

sorority girls

Joining a sorority was one of the best decisions of my life and I actually wasn't going to go Greek in college. A number of factors played into my initial decision to not go Greek at first, but a few days before Formal Recruitment, I decided to sign up. I wasn't sure what I was going to gain from joining a sorority but I thought that I should at least try and see what it was like. I tried the whole Greek life thing and here I am almost two years later and loving every minute of it. My decision has led me to gain these 10 amazing things from joining a sorority and I wouldn't want it any other way.

I gained:

1. The ability to be myself.


I know that my sisters love me for me and I have never felt like I have had to pretend to be someone that I'm not. They accept me for all that I am and before joining a sorority, I had a hard time finding that acceptance. My sisters accept that I will loudly sing any song that plays whether I know the song or not. They accept that I eat chicken wings and pizza with a fork. My sisters accept that school and my future is my first priority. They accept that I'm extremely punctual to the point where I sometimes show up to an event two hours early.

2. A support system.


On the good and bad days, I know my sisters are there for me. All I have to do is text or call one of my sisters and I know that they will be there for me. They supported me as I balanced an extremely busy schedule during winter semester and was there for me when I was stressed about that schedule.

The girls that I proudly call my sisters are there for me when I ace an assignment that I have been working on for days. My sisters supported me last summer when I was going through a time when I was constantly having tests run to figure out what was wrong with my health. They are always there for me and I know they are always cheering me on.

3. Study buddies.


Maintaining a certain GPA is part of being in a sorority and I know I will always have someone to study with. I have spent hours in the library studying with my sisters and when I want to study with someone all I have to do is ask if anyone wants to meet at the library. Academics are important to me and being a part of a sorority has just solidified that even more for me.

4. Opportunities for leadership development.


In the past two years, I have had so many opportunities to become a better leader. I was able to attend leadership camps that I wouldn't have had the opportunity to attend if I wasn't involved in Greek life. I have learned how to ask for help if I'm unsure of my next step when I lead as I quickly had the opportunity to hold two executive board positions soon after I was initiated.

5. A chance to give back to my community.


Philanthropy and service are two huge aspects of Greek life which provide the opportunity to give back to my community. I have participated in countless philanthropy events to raise money for many different charities. Also, I've served my community through volunteer work and many of these service events have been with my sisters.

6. Professional skills.


I have learned the importance of being able to write professional emails as I have to communicate with a variety of different people. Meetings are run by Robert's Rules Of Order, which I am still learning; furthermore, this is something that I know will benefit me in future business meetings. Also, I have learned professional skills are necessary to be taken seriously.

7. Ability to maintain a balance schedule.


I have learned how to build my own balanced schedule. I have had to learn how to balance class, sorority, and everything else I want to do. I'm glad that joining a sorority has helped me learn how to do this on my own because as a freshman I seriously lacked the ability to do this for myself.

8. A sense of tradition.


Being part of a sorority means your roots go back for hundreds of years, which means tradition is a huge part of the organization.

9. Networking skills.


I have learned how to network with everyone I meet because connections are important. Being a part of a sorority and being involved in Greek life means that you will meet many different people.

10. My home away from home.


Most importantly, I have gained a home away from home. I go to school out of state and I love knowing that I have somewhere at school where I will always belong.

Greek life and my sorority has helped me grow as a person and has helped shape me into the leader, sister, and friend that I am today. Everyone's experience is different but remember that it's your experience and is what you make of it.

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