As the New Year approaches, it's time to start considering what your resolutions will be for the year to come. As you begin to reflect on the past year and decide what you would like to implement and improve for the year to come, there is a lot to consider, and perhaps some things you have not taken into account.
You may start to notice the typical and anticipated statuses surfacing of people boldly proclaiming "new year, new me," and while self-improvement and growth are both very important, perhaps there is another factor people should consider.
You are not always the problem, and sometimes it's not you who needs to be improved. Have you considered that instead maybe it's your environment and the climate of relationships that you surround yourself with on a daily basis? There comes a certain time in everyone's lives when you need to decide who in your life is dead weight and who isn't.
The people you choose to surround yourself with should serve the purpose of building you up and bettering you through their actions and support. Their purpose should not be to tear you down and cause additional stress in your life.
Think about the different people and atmospheres you surround yourself with on a daily basis. Are any of those causing you a great deal of stress, worry, and emotional drainage? If the answer is yes, and you can readily identify what is causing those reactions, then you may need to consider that it's time to eliminate them from your everyday life.
Ridding yourself of draining and toxic relationships can do wonders for your mood, self-esteem, and mental health. When you are constantly facing the burden of taking on others' problems, it can take a serious toll on you — mentally, physically, and emotionally. Part of bettering yourself and experiencing self-growth is being able to put your foot down and determine when enough is enough.
Sometimes, making the decision to put yourself first is the best thing you can do for yourself. It's unhealthy to allow other people to dictate your life and determine what kind of day you are going to have. Dead weight also doesn't have to be exclusive to only other people. Although relationships make up a big part of your life, it's important to also consider that there are other factors that can contribute to your mental health and stability.
Perhaps it's the environment or the daily tasks that you are surrounding yourself with that are taking a toll on you and weighing you down. If you are looking to start the year with a fresh outlook and a more positive perspective, the first step to setting yourself up for success is cracking down and cutting the negativity from your life, whatever it may be. And spending more time focusing on surrounding yourself with people and things that make your soul shine and encourage you to thrive.
You won't believe how exonerated and light you will feel once the dead weight in your life is no longer dragging you down.