What Should You Watch this Halloween? | The Odyssey Online
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What Should You Watch this Halloween?

Because slasher films are overrated.

What Should You Watch this Halloween?

Sick of serial-killers popping out of cupboards to hack away at scantily-clad teens? Me too. Freddie and Jason can have their slap-fight on someone else’s television, thank you very much. If you are staying at home this Halloween (which is on a Monday, how unfair is that??), here are some awesome things to watch that aren’t mindless slasher flicks. I’m lookin at you, Michael Myers.

If you like spooky…

The Sixth Sense (available on YouTube, Amazon Video, iTunes, Vudu, Google Play) - A chill runs down my spine every time the cupboards are found open again.

The Awakening (available on Netflix, YouTube, Amazon Video, iTunes, Vudu, Google Play) -This movie definitely catches you off guard. I was so sure I knew what was going to happen but I was happy to be wrong.

The Babadook (available on Netflix, YouTube, Amazon Video, iTunes, Google Play) - Watch it in the daytime.

Celebrity Ghost Stories (available on YouTube, Amazon Video, iTunes, Vudu, Google Play) - A guilty pleasure of mine. Look, believe in ghosts or don’t, whatever, I don’t care. But actors are natural storytellers so just relax and enjoy the ride.

If you like (possibly violent) thrillers…

Rear Window (available on YouTube, Amazon Video, iTunes, Vudu, Google Play) - I fully believe Rear Window is Hitchcock’s best film. If you ever get a chance, listen to the commentary by John Fawell- he turned this movie from one I loved into one I adored.

Triangle (available on Amazon Video) - This movie straight up messes with your mind. I warned you.

The Invitation (available on Netflix, YouTube, Amazon Video, iTunes, Vudu, Google Play) - What makes this movie is so scary is its innate realism.

If you want to go old school…

Nosferatu (available on YouTube, Amazon Video, iTunes, Vudu, Google Play) - C'mon, do I really need to justify this one?

Night Gallery (available on Hulu, DVD) - I am having a hard time finding this online, save for a few episodes. But this show is too good not to mention! From the same minds of The Twilight Zone, comes more eeries tales, set up by the master himself, Rod Serling. I dare you to watch “The Cemetery” episode without getting the heebie jeebies.

Frankenstein (available on YouTube, Amazon Video, iTunes, Vudu, Google Play) - Yeah yeah, it’s really Frankenstein’s monster. But Boris Karloff though...

If you hate scary…

The Simpson’s Treehouse of Horror (available on Amazon Video) - Do yourself a favor and stick to volumes 1-8. You’ll thank me for it. Be sure to check out the Night Gallery themed episode (volume 4).

Coraline/Paranorman (both available on YouTube, Amazon Video, iTunes, Vudu, Google Play) - I am a massive fan of Laika. They pour their heart into their projects and it pays off. I rewatch these favorites every year.

Goosebumps (Netflix, Hulu, YouTube, Amazon Video, iTunes, Vudu, Google Play) - I was more entertained than I ever thought I would be. Keep a close eye on the screen for R.L. Stine’s cameo.

If you want to laugh…

Clue (available on YouTube, Amazon Video, iTunes, Vudu, Google Play) - Seriously if you haven’t seen this movie yet, DO IT NOW. I first saw it on Halloween, and not a year goes by that I don’t watch it on October 31st. I’ve seen this DVD for sale at Target for an *insulting* $5. Just be sure to watch it with “All 3 Endings”. That’s right. 3 endings.

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