All these questions and many more will be resolved in this blog in which the team of The Factory of Inventions will publish tips and tricks that will help you to develop your invention turning it into a product of great consumption.
Therefore this manual is intended for all those people who have ever had an idea to improve a household utensil, create a new product on the safety of your children or a revolutionary technological idea.
As we always aim at inventors, they are all great ideas as long as they are useful for society.
From our experience and knowledge as a team of The Factory of Inventions, we will try to show you and present all the steps and tricks that must be followed to design, make the prototype, register the patent and sell the product, and we will answer all those questions that have the inventors have been doing throughout these years.
The section will be classified into four major sections:
• Design of your Product or Invention
• Make a prototype of your invention
• Patent your invention
• Sell your product
Ideas as a starting point
Today we are going to start at the beginning, not the beginning principle, but how you start in this of inventions. Products come from inventions; inventions arise from ideas and ideas of needs.
The thoughts may be of all kinds, many of them even are not feasible yet, due to the limitations of current technology and colonize space, and others simply seem absurd now we do not see its practical utility.
How do ideas arise?
The needs are what drive us to have ideas and society and technology allow us to disseminate them and realize them. But ... how do ideas arise? As I mentioned before, ideas arise from needs, these needs are in our daily life and in the world around us. Anyone can have an idea you only need to observe your environment well, from your work to your personal life. Not everything is invented; you can always improve and optimize things. A product that a customer demands and that does not exist, a process that can be simplified, even "domestic" solutions to a recurring problem, are examples of where ideas can arise.
When you have the idea the next step is to know if someone else has come up with that idea.
How do I convert an idea into an invention?
The idea is essential, but this is not everything. The idea is the beginning of a great adventure, in which we must work and invest to move forward. Ideas are a wonderful concept because they have a life of their own, they grow, they develop and they reproduce. An idea that at first was not very cool can develop into something incredible and unexpected or generate other ideas.
When that idea that comes to mind begins to materialize in industrial design, mature in an invention. I've talked to you before about what a conceptual design is, but not about how you can make an idea grow.